
At the G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University (Russia), events of the cultural and educational project "School of the Russian Language....
Tue, Oct 1, 2024, 11:00 AM

At the G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University (Russia), events of the cultural and educational project "School of the Russian Language and Russian Folk Culture" took place. This project is aimed at supporting and bringing together researchers and teachers of the Russian language and literature who are eager to study and teach these disciplines in their countries. Participants included Russian language teachers from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan.


As part of the educational segment of the project, courses titled "Russian Language and Culture in the Context of Modern Pedagogical Technologies" were held, after which participants received state-recognized certificates of advanced training. The program included expert and business meetings, visits to cultural sites in the region, and participation in one of Russia's largest ethno-festivals, "Atmanovskie Kulachki – 2024," whose traditional games are part of Russia's intangible cultural heritage.


As part of the event, a roundtable discussion titled "The Russian Language in the International Space: Significance and Development Prospects" was held, with participants from Rossotrudnichestvo, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, experts from RUDN University, the A.S. Pushkin Institute of the Russian Language, Derzhavin University, and Astana International University. Raziyа Ibragimovna Narmanova, a professor at Astana International University, gave a presentation titled "The Russian Language in Kazakhstan: To Be or Not to Be," in which she highlighted the current state and future prospects for the development of the Russian language in Kazakhstan.

Today, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Higher Education Workers for the first time!
Tue, Oct 1, 2024, 5:05 AM

Dear colleagues,


Today, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Higher Education Workers for the first time! This significant event fills us with pride for those who play a key role in the development of science and education.


Dear professors and educators! I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! Your daily work is not just the transmission of knowledge; it is the foundation for the future of our society. Thanks to your efforts and care, young people have the opportunity to realize their potential and become active participants in the development of our country.


As noted by the Head of State, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev: "The task of educators is to raise worthy citizens of our country. A worthy citizen is a person equipped with the necessary knowledge that will be used for the benefit of our homeland." In this regard, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your efforts directed at nurturing such worthy citizens.


Astana International University is actively developing not only within the country but is also becoming an important center for education and science on the international stage. Our university plays a crucial role in preparing highly qualified specialists who contribute to the advancement of science and innovation both in Kazakhstan and beyond. We are proud to be among the TOP-8 multidisciplinary universities in Kazakhstan, employing over 460 qualified educators.


Thank you for nurturing the younger generation, ready to serve their country and bring positive changes to our society.


I wish you endless inspiration, new achievements, good health, and harmony in life! May your work always bring you joy and pride in the successes of your students, and may your efforts illuminate the path to a bright future!



President of Astana International University 

Irsaliev Serik Aztaevich  

New prospects for cooperation: visit of the Venezuelan Ambassador to Astana International University
Wed, Sep 25, 2024, 7:24 AM

On September 23, 2024, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ms. Rosalba Lo Bue Antico, visited our university.

During the meeting, the parties identified potential prospects for cooperation in the field of education and scientific research, in particular in the field of logistics for the "One Belt, One Road" project, the opening of a cultural corner of Venezuela on the basis of our university and lectures by Ms. Ambassador to AIU. The President of the AIU presented the achievements of our university to Ms. Ambassador, spoke about foreign partners and educational opportunities for students and teachers.

In turn, Ms. Ambassador shared plans for the development of cooperation between universities of the two countries, highlighting the Central University of Venezuela as a potential partner for academic exchanges. One of the key aspects of the discussion was the possibility of cooperation within the framework of exchange programs for students, faculty and scientists.

Ms. Ambassador also offered AIU students the opportunity to complete an educational internship directly at the Venezuelan Embassy, which opens up additional prospects for their professional development. Both sides expressed interest in establishing partnerships and discussed the first steps towards their implementation, noting the importance of further negotiations for the successful launch of joint initiatives.

Astana International University Opens Two New Buildings
Tue, Sep 24, 2024, 6:44 AM

Astana International University (AIU) has opened the doors to two new educational buildings, marking an important step in the development of the university's educational infrastructure. One of the buildings is located in the Monolith business center and is intended for students of the Higher School of Information Technology and Engineering, while the other is in Castle Building, where students of the Higher School of Economics and the Higher School of Law will be educated.The new buildings are equipped with modern lecture halls and 250 new computers, significantly improving the learning process and providing students with access to contemporary educational technologies.

The opening of these new buildings is not only a step forward for our university but also a significant contribution to the development of higher education in the country. AIU aims to create the best conditions for learning and student development so that they can realize their potential and contribute to the advancement of society.

In addition to enhancing infrastructure, AIU continues to implement innovative programs and courses that meet the demands of the modern labor market. The university also actively collaborates with businesses and international educational institutions to improve the quality of education and prepare highly qualified specialists.

Currently, Astana International University operates six different buildings, accommodating more than 10,000 students. This underscores the dynamic growth of the university and its commitment to providing quality education for all learners.

Astana International University held a meeting with students on the issue of constructing a nuclear power plant in the Republic....
Tue, Sep 24, 2024, 6:21 AM

Today, a significant meeting took place at Astana International University, where students, scientists, and experts discussed pressing issues related to the construction of a nuclear power plant (NPP) in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event gathered more than 100 students who are eager to gain a deeper understanding of the potential of nuclear energy in the context of the country's sustainable development.

At the meeting, PhD in Physics, Assistant Professor, and "Bolashak" program’s graduate Serik Nurkenov Amaneldinovich delivered a presentation on "The Importance of Building a Nuclear Power Plant in Kazakhstan."

According to the World Nuclear Association, there are currently 415 nuclear reactors in operation worldwide, with an additional 60 reactors under construction. The largest numbers of nuclear reactors are located in the USA (94), France (56), China (56), Japan (12), Russia (36), and South Korea (26).

During the meeting, opinions were shared by scientists, experts, and students, facilitating an active exchange of views and ideas. In particular, the ecological advantages of nuclear power were highlighted: the absence of greenhouse gas emissions, as NPPs do not produce carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases that are the primary causes of global warming and climate change. This makes them a crucial tool in reducing emissions and achieving decarbonization goals.

The meeting also discussed the technological development prospects, such as nuclear energy driving innovations in material science, robotics, information technology, and other high-tech industries. Detailed attention was given to next-generation reactors and safety systems, along with forecasts for the future of nuclear energy, including potential new markets and trends.

Overall, nuclear energy could become an important element of Kazakhstan's energy strategy, ensuring a sustainable and environmentally friendly future. The students expressed interest in modern nuclear energy technologies and the opportunities they could provide for the region's economic development.

Astana International University will continue to hold such events, promoting critical thinking and student engagement in important issues related to the future of energy in Kazakhstan.

On September 13, 2024, the School of Natural Sciences organized a meeting between first-year students of the program "6B05101 Biology"....
Fri, Sep 20, 2024, 6:40 AM

On September 13, 2024, the School of Natural Sciences organized a meeting between first-year students of the program "6B05101 Biology" and representatives of the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan (ACBK). ACBK coordinator Enlik Kayirssynova introduced the students to the activities of the Association. ACBK research scientist and national coordinator of the "Sociable Lapwing" project, Ruslan Urazaliev, delivered a lecture on projects related to the study and conservation of birds in Kazakhstan. The project on studying the migration of sociable lapwings is implemented with funding from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (UK). The sociable lapwing is a steppe species on the verge of extinction. There are just over 11,000 individuals left in the world, with more than 95% of them nesting in Kazakhstan. As Ruslan Urazaliev explained, the birds will be equipped with satellite trackers, which will allow experts to study their migration routes and identify the key habitats necessary for the species' survival. The protection of birds is a critical task for all humanity, as they play a vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems.

The lecture sparked great interest among the students. The lecturer presented the university library with a field guide to the birds of Kazakhstan.