
Fire Safety Rules in Crowded Places – Esil District Emergency Department, Astana Emergency Situations Department
Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:40 AM

Esil District Emergency Department, Astana Emergency Situations Department: Fire Safety Rules in Crowded Places

What to do if a fire breaks out in a crowded area?

  1. When entering any unfamiliar public place, memorize the exits and escape routes.
  2. Emergency exits are marked with green rectangular or square signs with white symbols.
  3. If you hear shouts of "Fire!" or smell smoke, stay calm and assess the situation.
  4. In case of heavy smoke or no lighting, move along the walls and breathe through a cloth.
  5. Never go against the crowd; avoid walls, railings, or glass barriers.
  6. Stay away from stationary objects to prevent being crushed.
  7. Keep your hands free and secured; avoid picking up dropped items.
  8. Keep your arms bent to protect your chest; you may also clasp your hands in front of you.
  9. Do not fall. If you do, get up quickly or curl up in a fetal position to protect yourself.
  10. Lead children in front of you by holding their shoulders or carry them on your shoulders.
  11. Do not use elevators in a fire; take the stairs. If trapped, move to a safe room and wait for rescue.

Primary Fire Extinguishing Equipment

Fire extinguishers are essential for fire safety. The right choice is crucial, as an unsuitable extinguisher may be ineffective. Fire extinguishers must comply with official fire safety regulations for buildings and vehicles.

Esil District Emergency Department, Astana Emergency Situations Department
Lieutenant Colonel of Civil Protection Aliev Aset Bogenbaiuly

Wed, Feb 5, 2025, 10:45 AM

On February 5, 2025, an event on the theme "Elections are a matter for everyone" was held at Astana International University.

The event is dedicated to World Election Day, which this year is celebrated on February 6. The tradition of celebrating World Election Day was approved at the III Global Conference of Election Organizers, held in Budapest in 2005, and falls annually on the first Thursday of February. The decision of the conference opened up new perspectives in recognizing the importance of the work of election organizers and was supported by the United Nations Democracy Fund. According to the idea of the founders, on this day all attention should be paid to the issues of ensuring the electoral rights of citizens and improving electoral processes.

The purpose of the event is to enhance the legal culture of future voters, the formation of young people's knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the conscious realization of electoral rights.

The meeting was attended by the leadership and faculty of the Higher School of Law of Astana International University, representatives of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the TEC of Astana, doctoral students, students of the MUA.

The opening speech was made by the Deputy dean of the Higher School of Law of Astana International University, Seilkhanov Zhanat Duisenbaevich.

Within the framework of the meeting, a business game on the theme of the event was held among the five teams formed from among the students of the Higher School of Law. The teams answered questions about the active participation of citizens in the elections and the improvement of legislation in this area, taking into account the best foreign practices.

The organizers of this event are the Higher School of Law of the AIU and the TEC of the Yesil district of Astana.