Bachelor: Applicant's calendar

16.05-05.07.2024 (общее)/  

25.05.- 12.07.2024 (ЧС)

20.06 – 06.07.2024 (for a grant)

Until 08/10/2024 (for a fee)

07.07 – 07.03.2024 (for a grant) 

Until 08/15/2024 (for a fee)

20.06 – 13.07.2024 (for a grant) 

Until 08/24/2024 (for a fee)

13.07 – 20.07.2024

Until August 10th

05.08 – 15.08.2024

until 18.08 / until 08/20/2024

Who can apply for an educational grant from the Foundation?

Grant applicants may be citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) from low-income families in rural areas, small and single-industry towns;

2) orphans, or those left without parental care until adulthood;

3) having a disability;

4) from families raising disabled children;

5) children of deceased citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan during the tragic events of January 2022;

6) wounded children during the tragic events of January 2022;

7) children of deceased citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who suffered in emergency situations (based on the decision of the Fund’s Board of Trustees).

The maximum age for participation in the Program is 29 years inclusive.

How does the participant selection process work?

Applicants submit applications to the OVPO admissions committee from August 10 to August 17. The applicant independently submits an application and is responsible for this process; however, it is worth considering that the requirements for the UNT may change annually, so it is necessary to clarify this information in advance with the OVPO receiving the documents.

The Foundation does not provide advice on issues related to admission to OVPO.

To which universities and for which specialties are grants awarded?

The list of higher educational qualifications is posted on the Foundation’s website; the specialty is chosen by the applicant himself; there are no restrictions on specialties.

What period of training does the grant cover? Is there a limit on the cost of training?

The grant covers the entire period of study in undergraduate programs. The limit on the cost of education is up to 1 million tenge for each student; if the student’s annual cost of education is higher than this amount, then the difference is paid by the student himself.

In addition, holders of the Foundation grant are paid a stipend in the amount of 40,000 tenge for 10 months (annually), with the exception of the summer holiday period.

Can I apply for a scholarship separately?

No. The scholarship is part of the Foundation grant

Who makes the final decision on grant awards?

The list of candidates for the award of a grant is formed by the OVPO from among the applicants who passed the UNT in the current calendar year and, based on its results, received the required passing score for admission to the OVPO (including taking into account creative exams), and is drawn up as the minutes of the meeting of the OVPO competition committee.

Thus, the selection of applicants among the current year’s applicants is carried out by the admissions committee or any other commission operating under the OVPO.

The list of applicants who are awarded a grant is approved by the Board of the Foundation. In this case, the Fund looks only at the applicant’s compliance with the Program criteria.

In what cases can a student lose a grant?

The payment of an educational grant is terminated in cases of expulsion of one’s own free will and due to poor academic performance, as well as when a student is retained for a second year of study and a case of submission of inaccurate information and/or inaccurate documents confirming that the Grant holder is a participant in the Program is identified.

Can an applicant for a Foundation grant participate in competitions of other programs or apply for a government grant?

Yes. In this case, an application for a Foundation grant must be submitted within the established period from August 10 to August 17.

Are there any obligations of the grant holder to the Foundation?

The grant holder must comply with the academic requirements of the host HEI and must complete the full course of study. The grants allocated by the Foundation are free, non-repayable assistance; the grant holder has no obligations to the Foundation after completion of training.

At the same time, the Foundation expects that the grant holder will actively participate in the Foundation’s volunteer initiatives during the period of his studies, and in general will communicate with the Foundation throughout the entire period of study.

Can an applicant who graduated from school/college not this year, but earlier, take part in the competition?

Yes maybe.

Can an applicant with a higher education participate in the competition?


To enroll in Astana International University, the applicant must provide original documents to the admissions committee of the university from 10 to 25.08.2024 at the address: Astana, Kabanbay Batyr Ave., 8. to the admissions committee.

If you do not receive an educational grant or an educational grant from the akimat, enroll in a paid department. To do this, first register in IS Platonus (Instructions for registering applicants)