
Visit of the AIU President to the University of International Business and Economics (Beijing)
Sat, Sep 16, 2023, 11:46 AM

On September 13, a meeting was held between the President of the AIU Irsaliyev S.A. and the Rector of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) Zhao Zhongxiu. The meeting took place in Beijing within the walls of the Chinese partner university. The meeting was held in a friendly manner: the President of the AMU congratulated his colleague on taking office, noted the long-term friendship and cooperation between universities - cooperation with UIBE has been in effect almost since the founding of the AIU. In particular, in 2019, an agreement was signed between universities on the creation of a joint institute of international business and economics in Astana on the basis of the AIU. Despite the difficulties of the pandemic period, the institute began its work in 2020 and made its first enrollment. Today, about 70 students are studying double-diploma programs at the institute. The first graduation is expected next year. There is a clear upward trend in the number of people wishing to study at the institute, which indicates the great potential of the Kazakh-Chinese educational program. Also, this year, the institute, with the support of partners, organized and conducted the first summer school in China - for 14 days, students not only visited historical monuments, enjoyed the picturesque nature, but also visited industrial and technical facilities, the Kazakh-Chinese logistics center in Lianyungang city, plunged into culture and improved their level of language with native speakers.

During the meeting, work issues were also raised. The problems and concerns that had accumulated during the pandemic, as well as during the practical experience of implementing joint projects, were openly voiced. It was proposed to take into account and use this experience in the future to improve the quality of the program and student learning conditions.

In addition to educational projects, the international orientation of the activities of the two universities was noted, as well as the important role and contribution that universities can and should make to the development and strengthening of friendship between countries, scientific and academic support of ongoing international projects. The research potential and sites of the two universities were announced and on this basis cooperation could be established and deepened. In particular, such areas as the Belt and Road Initiative and the New Eurasian Land Bridge, cooperation with Jiangsu Province and the city of Lianyungang in the field of maritime transport and port infrastructure, opening access to the sea for Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia, were announced.

The universities agreed to continue to provide each other with comprehensive support in the implementation of both current and future projects, and to adhere to the principles of openness and friendship.

International conference
Mon, Sep 11, 2023, 12:34 PM

Kozhakhmetova S. 2nd year doctoral student at the Higher School of Law of Astana International University on September 7, 2023 took part in the International conference ``CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTICE: DIGNITY, FREEDOM AND JUSTICE FOR ALL``, organized in the hall of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The event was attended by judges of constitutional courts and ombudsmen from more than 30 countries, as well as representatives of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientists in the field of jurisprudence.

The conference dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was held at a high professional level. Issues related to the implementation of constitutional control over compliance with the rule of law and the protection of human rights were discussed.

On September 8, 2023, in continuation of the above-mentioned conference, Kozhakhmetova S., 2nd year doctoral student of the EP “Jurisprudence”, took part in Workshop I “Constitutional law in the 21st Century: The Rule of Law and the Protection of Human Rights Towards the rule of law and security”, held in the lecture hall AIFC. 

The seminar was attended by foreign guests, professors Papuashvili George, Jorge Bacelar Gouveia, Matthias Knauff and others. Under the leadership of the moderator Judge Zhatkanbaeva A.E., the event was held very informative and educational.

Undoubtedly, such events promote the overall goal - the protection of human rights and freedoms, at the international and national levels.

Educational grants of the akimat of Astana: who became the owner
Mon, Aug 21, 2023, 5:16 AM

Постановлением акимата Астаны утвержден государственный образовательный заказ на подготовку кадров с высшим и послевузовским образованием на 2023-2027 учебные годы, передает официальный сайт столичного акимата.

По педагогическим специальностям утверждено 1028 грантов,  из них: размещено по ВУЗам 911 грантов, освоено – 773 по следующим специальностям: педагогическим (физическая культура, иностранный язык, география, история, педагогика и психология, математика, информатика, русский язык и литература, физика, химия, биология), гуманитарным дисциплинам (исламоведение, религиоведение, Теология).

Абитуриенты, прошедшие ЕНТ и набравшие по направлению «Педагогические науки» не менее 75 баллов, могли претендовать на государственный образовательный грант по педагогическим специальностям.

Прием документов ВУЗом от претендентов на государвственный образовательный грант МИО г. Астаны осуществлялся с 5 по 15 августа текущего года.

Результаты опубликованы на сайтах акимата Астаны и Управления образования города от 21.08.2023 года.

О присуждении гос. гранта МИО

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