
Mon, Nov 11, 2024, 8:32 AM

С 1 по 8 ноября 2024 года был проведен внутривузовский этап конкурса «Лучший преподаватель вуза 2024»

ФИО претендента


НП стаж работы общ.

Баллы преподавателя

Экспертные баллы


Мусабаева Бинур Хабасовна

к.х.н., профессор ПИ





Адамжанова Жанна Арынтаевна

к.б.н., доцент ВШЕН





Карабалаева Айман Бейсамбаевна

PhD,  Старший преподаватель ВШЕН





Жамбаев Ержан Сагынханович

к.ю.н., доцент ВШП





Муканова Асель Сериковна

PhD, доцент ВШИТиИ





Срок подачи апелляции по I этапу конкурса – с 12 по 13 ноября 2024 года. Согласно Правил присвоения звания «Лучший преподаватель вуза» университет определяет число конкурсантов для 2-го этапа конкурса из расчета на 50 штатных преподавателей не более 1 претендента. При этом соотношение преподавателей с научно-педагогическим стажем не более 15 лет и преподавателей со стажем более 15 лет составляет не менее одного к трем (1:3) от общего количества претендентов.

Для участия во II республиканском этапе конкурса участники подготавливают следующую конкурсную документацию:

1) заявку на участие в конкурсе на присвоение звания "Лучший преподаватель вуза" по установленной форме;

2) сведения в соответствии с качественными и количественными показателями по установленной форме;

3) годовой план-график работ по установленной форме;

4) решение коллегиального органа управления ОВПО;

5) личный листок по учету кадров, заверенный по месту работы;

6) копию документа, удостоверяющего личность;

7) уведомление о действующем 20-значном текущем счете в карточной базе.


Comment by Astana International University
Thu, Nov 7, 2024, 10:54 AM

Dear colleagues, teachers and students!

Astana International University informs that the information about the collapse of ceilings in the academic building at 46/1 Auezov Street is not true. Yesterday, as a result of a strong hurricane wind, several decorative polystyrene foam panels fell. This happened with the windows open, which were opened by the students themselves, despite the warning not to leave the building and not to open the windows during the storm warning.

The university's maintenance service quickly eliminated the incident: the windows were closed and the panels were returned to their place. The university management suggested that the dean transfer students to a remote format to ensure their safety. However, since the incident was immediately resolved and the classroom was brought into proper condition, the dean decided to continue teaching in person.

As for ventilation issues, we note that the windows were temporarily secured solely to prevent the risk of repeated damage during a hurricane wind. These measures were taken for the safety of students and teachers. At the same time, other ventilation means provide the necessary level of ventilation.

Astana International University continues to monitor the safety of the educational process and regularly conducts inspections of the infrastructure. We thank students and teachers for their understanding and are ready to promptly respond to any requests related to the comfort and safety of the university.

Mon, Oct 28, 2024, 5:53 AM

Applications for the doctoral entrance exams will be accepted from October 28 to November 10 on the website .

📍When applying, you can only choose the PLACE (CITY) of the exam.

Information about the date, time and place (address) of the exam will be available in your personal account on November 21.

It should be noted that it is possible to make changes to the application for the group of educational programs, language and place of examination only before the deadline for accepting applications, that is, until November 10.

The cost of participation in foreign economic activity is 21,072 tenge.


1️⃣Persons who have the certificate of Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Program (TOEFL ITP) take additional English language proficiency testing (additional testing) before the start of foreign economic activity. Information about the place and time of additional testing will be available on November 12 in the applicant's personal account. The cost of participation in additional testing is 14,162 tenge;

2.Applicants must provide a KAZTEST certificate, as well as a certificate confirming their proficiency in a foreign language. In 2024, the threshold levels of certificates confirming foreign language proficiency were lowered to B1 and TOEIC and Duolingo English Test certificates were added to the list;

3.Persons with a MASTER's degree and work experience of at least 9 (nine) months or who have completed residency training in medical specialties are accepted for doctoral studies;

4️⃣The passing score for admission to doctoral studies on a state educational order and on a paid basis is 75 points.

5.Starting in 2024, applicants have the opportunity to enroll in a doctoral program according to the profile of doctors. They do not need a certain level of certificate confirming their proficiency in a foreign language. Also, applicants for the doctor's program by profile do not write essays during entrance exams. The maximum score is 80 points, of which the interview score is 25 points, a letter of recommendation from enterprises and organizations (if available) is 5 points and examination questions on the profile are 50 points. The threshold score is at least 50 points.