
Notification for students of the OVPO under the state educational grant
Mon, Mar 11, 2024, 5:18 AM

JSC "Financial Center", which is the operator of the authorized body in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as the Operator), notifies you that after completing higher and (or) postgraduate education on the basis of a state educational order, in accordance with paragraph 17 of Article 47 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", you will be assigned the obligation for three-year or two-year or proportionate training in the time and manner determined by the order of the Acting Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08/11/2023 No. 403.

In order to obtain information from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – MTSZN) about the graduate's place of work, the Operator must obtain the consent of the subject to collect and process personal data in accordance with the requirement of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Personal Data and their protection".

In this regard, you will receive a request via the SMS gateway of the Unified Contact Center "1414" with a proposal to give consent (message "511"), or refuse to give consent (message "512") to provide access to personal data for the provision of services to the Operator.

Upon receipt of an SMS message from the contact center "1414" with a proposal to give consent (message "511") or refusal to give consent (message "512"), the student is given the opportunity to respond within 15 minutes of the response time, after the expiration of the specified time, the message is considered irrelevant.

In case of your consent to the collection and processing of personal data (message "511"), information will be provided from the MTSZN to the Operator exclusively about your work (BIN of the organization, the name of the organization and the periods of work). At the same time, your other personal data of a confidential nature will not be reflected in the information of the MTZN for the Operator.

In case of refusal to collect and process personal data (message "512"), after 15 calendar days, requests for access to personal data will be sent to you again.

In addition, the graduate will independently send to the Operator supporting documents on the fulfillment of the obligation to work out before the expiration of a three-year or two-year or a commensurate period of working out. 

The text of the message:


If you have any additional questions, please contact the Financial Center JSC call center number 8 (800) 080-28-28.