Recreational geography and tourism

Code and group of the educational program:

B052 Earth science

Code and name of the educational program:

6B05203 Recreational geography and tourism

Education period: 4

Cost of education: 600000

Degree awarded: Бакалавр

Preparation of bachelors for work in the tourism and recreation sphere, who have theoretical knowledge in the field of recreational geography and tourism; who possess modern methods of data collection and analysis; who are able to assess the tourism and recreation potential, apply various technologies for conducting excursions and apply the knowledge gained in practice in accordance with the constantly increasing requirements of the tourist services market.

General Land Science, Cartography, Physical geography of the world, Socio-economic geography of foreign countries, Geography of the population with the basics of demography, Geography of transport and infrastructure, Technology and territorial organization of tourism (by type), Tourist and recreational nature management, Management at tourist industry enterprises, Fundamentals of tourist and recreational design, Geoinformation technologies, Natural and Cultural heritage of Kazakhstan and the world, Economy of tourism industry enterprises

Graduates will work in research organizations (institutes and laboratories), in state environmental institutions, national parks, reserves, botanical gardens, wildlife sanctuaries and tourism organizations.

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