Teacher of English and Russian languages

Code and group of the educational program:

В018 Training of foreign language teachers

Code and name of the educational program:

6B01710 Teacher of English and Russian languages

Education period: 4

Cost of education: 750000

Degree awarded: Bachelor of education in the educational program «6В01710 English and Russian language teacher»

Preparation of highly qualified, competitive bachelors of education who own modern communicative, digital, sociocultural competencies in the field of the Russian language and literature, English, their teaching methods, capable of creating high-quality educational content and organizing the educational process.

Phonetics of the modern Russian language

Fundamentals of the theory of a foreign language

Lexicology and word formation of the modern Russian language

Morphology of the modern Russian language

Fundamentals of the theory of a foreign language

Current trends in TESOL

Innovative methods of teaching English and Russian languages

  Major Works of British and American Literature

Methods of research and data analysis in education

Russian literature of Kazakhstan in school study

Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries

Academic English

Digital technologies in education

Inclusive education

- teacher of English and Russian languages;

- head teacher; director

- a methodologist in the Department of Education and the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel;

- Leader and teacher of the educational center.

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