Foreign language: two foreign languages

Code and group of the educational program:

В018 Training of foreign language teachers

Code and name of the educational program:

6В01701 Foreign language: two foreign languages

Education period: 4, 3 (На базе ТИПО)

Cost of education: 950000

Degree awarded: Bachelor of education in the educational program «6В01701 - Foreign language: two foreign languages»

Providing methodological support of the educational process and the formation of General cultural and professional competences of bachelors in teaching English in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and the employer, innovative and interactive pedagogical technologies.


SMART technologies in education

Distance learning technologies

 Emotional intelligence


Lexicology of the English language 

Education: a global vision

Stylistics of the English language in the works

Business English

Current trends in TESOL

Foreign language teaching practice: differentiated learning 

Theatricalization in the process of learning English

Management in education

Project management

-English teacher;

- director of Studies;

- methodologist in the Department of Education and the Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Teachers;

- head and teacher of the educational center.

Каталог дисциплин