"Healthy thinking for a happy life"
On the basis of Astana International University, an extended educational lecture will be held on January 17, 2023, dedicated to one of the most pressing problems of our information age – the formation of healthy thinking in the flow of various, often negative, information waves.
Main speakers of the lecture:
Director of the "International Educational Center for the Development of Intelligence" (IMEI), as well as specialists in the field of mental education.
I would like to note that our AIU University has already signed a memorandum of cooperation with the IMEI regional branch. This allows you to open access to the work of one of the largest institutions for the education of global leaders. The organization has branches in 100 countries around the world.
The modern super hyperactive world increases the load on the mental health of a person every day, whose violations provoke problems with physical health.
Our university takes care of the health of its students, teachers, as well as all employees. Therefore, we hope that such health and educational events will have their benefits for you.