Да при наличии сертификата или по результатам прохождения теста по английскому языку.

Да, по программам академической мобильности и по двудипломным программам.

To participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant of higher education at the expense of the republican budget or the local budget and (or) enrollment in paid education, persons with secondary, technical and vocational or post-secondary education are allowed, with the exception of those entering related areas of higher education training, providing for shortened terms of study, who have passed the UNT and gained its results: in other OVPO – not less than 50 points, and in the field of "Pedagogical sciences" – not less than 75 points, in the direction of training "Law" - not less than 75 points. At the same time, for each subject of the UNT and (or) the creative exam, it is necessary to score at least 5 points. To participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant of higher education at the expense of the republican budget or the local budget and (or) enrollment in paid training in related areas of higher education training, providing for shorter training periods, persons with technical and vocational, post-secondary education, who have passed the UNT and scored at least 25 points according to its results are allowed and in the field of education "Pedagogical sciences" – at least 35 points, including at least 5 points for each UNT discipline and (or) creative exam.

Upon admission, the applicant chooses the language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English – when recruiting a group of at least 7 people

UNT: History of Kazakhstan+Reading literacy and two creative exams at the University, Creative exam program Entrance Exams — Higher School of Arts and Design (hsoa.kz )

UNT: History of Kazakhstan+Reading literacy and two creative exams at the University, Creative exam program Entrance Exams — Higher School of Arts and Design (hsoa.kz )


Full-time full-time training, there is no distance learning format. Terms of training on the basis of CO 4 years, Design – 5 years

If the applicant continues to study in his profession, study 3 years full-time

Creative Exam: Music Education, Design, Art work and Art Special exam: All the pedals of the specialty. A special exam for applicants in the fields of education "Pedagogical Sciences" and "Healthcare" is evaluated in the form of "admission" or "non–admission". On approval of the list of specialties requiring special or creative training, and the Rules for conducting special or creative exams - IPS "Adilet" (zan.kz )


The university has an academic mobility program and dual degree programs

Foreign language: two foreign languages – Chinese, Turkish, French, German. Translation business, MO - Chinese, Turkish.


1) According to the decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2023, all applicants will be given the opportunity to pass the basic UNT 2 times and take part in a competition to award grants with the best result. If we take into account 3 more attempts to pass the UNT for training on a paid basis, then the applicant-2023 will pass the test 5 times, as last year. 2) In order to ensure academic integrity, the principle of "1 computer – 2 cameras – 1 test subject" is maintained. Viewing of video surveillance recordings of testing and checking of the action log (logs) will be carried out before the end of the calendar year. And during the testing itself, a calculator, a periodic table and solubility of salts will be available on computer screens. And after the completion of the UNT, an individual thematic analysis will be available, which will allow applicants to understand the level of assimilation of knowledge; 3) There are changes in the structure of UNT test tasks. It was decided to reduce the number of distractors (answer options) in the test tasks. In test tasks with one correct answer, the number of options has been reduced from five to four, in test tasks with one or more correct answers (no more than three correct answers) – the number of options from eight to six 4) changes have been made to the number of test tasks in the subjects "History of Kazakhstan" and "Reading Literacy". Now in one version of the "History of Kazakhstan" there will be 20 test tasks: 10 tasks with the choice of one correct answer, 10 tasks based on context. Also, if earlier applicants answered 20 questions on "Reading Literacy", now there will be 15 test tasks for 3 texts. Thus, in the history of Kazakhstan – 20, in reading literacy – 15, in mathematical literacy – 15 and 35 tasks in two specialized subjects. 5) The maximum number of points is 140. 6) The total testing time is 4 hours (240 minutes). 7) Additional time of 40 minutes will also be saved for children with special educational needs.

Upon admission to the IT-areas of training, applicants from the next academic year will take not physics, but computer science. From the 2022-2023 academic year, the subject "Computer Science" is included in the list of combinations of specialized subjects of the UNT. In this regard, applicants to the groups of educational programs "Computer Science teacher training", "Information Technology" pass the UNT in a combination of "Mathematics + Computer Science".

Submission deadlines Testing deadlines 1. 20.12-06.01 10.01-10.02 2. 20.02-10.03 01.03-31.03 3. 28.04-14.05 on the grant 16.05-05.07 on the grant 4. 15.07-30.07 10.08-20.08

January  students of grades 11 (12) of secondary education organizations;  students enrolled in the university for the academic period (conditionally enrolled);  students studying at a university in the GOP, requiring creative training, and wishing to transfer to other GOP;  students studying at the university in other GOP, and wishing to transfer to Pedagogical GOP. March  students of grades 11 (12) of secondary education organizations;  graduates of schools and TVET of previous years (for full training);  students of grades 11 (12) at the university;  persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (dia dispute for the full term of study);  students enrolled in the university for the academic period (conditionally enrolled). June graduates of grades 11 (12) of secondary education organizations;  graduates of schools and TVET of previous years (for full training);  graduates of the VET, entering the OP, providing for a shortened period of study;  students of grades 11 (12) abroad;  persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (diaspora for the full term of study);  persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (diaspora for a reduced period of study);  students enrolled in the university for the academic period (conditionally enrolled). August –  graduates of grades 11 (12) of secondary education organizations;  graduates of schools and TVET of previous years (for full training);  students of grades 11 (12) abroad;  persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (diaspora for the full term of study);  students enrolled in the university for the academic period (conditionally enrolled);  students studying at the university in the GOP, requiring creative training, and wishing to transfer to other GOP;  students studying at the university in other GOP, and wishing to transfer to Pedagogical GOP.

There are, one-year and two-year, the cost of 178,000 tenge per year

There is a hostel for 140 people, the price is from 30,000 tenge per month. Address: Sherter 11, applications are accepted on the university's website from August

The transfer of students is carried out during the winter and summer holidays. Required documents: transcript, application addressed to the rector. DAP, 210 office deals with translation issues

Persons with secondary, technical and vocational or post-secondary education, with the exception of those entering related areas of higher education training, providing for shortened terms of study, who have not scored the threshold score established in paragraph 4 of these Standard Rules (according to the results of the UNT), with the results of the UNT with inappropriate combinations of specialized subjects, with canceled UNT results are enrolled in OVPO full-time education on a paid basis. Upon completion of the academic period of study at the OVPO, these persons repeatedly pass the UNT within a year, in accordance with the Rules of the Unified National testing approved by Order No. 204 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 2, 2017 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 15173) (hereinafter – the order No. 204).

Akimat grants are allocated for pedagogical specialties, the threshold score for participation is 75, at least 5 points for each subject. We accept for the competition of akimat grants based on the results of the June UNT. Applications for the competition are accepted through the admission committee of the university in an offline format. Graduates from all regions of KZ can participate. The dates change annually.