Computer technology and software

Code and group of the educational program:

В057 Information Technology

Code and name of the educational program:

6B06101 Computer technology and software

Education period: 4, 3 (На базе ТИПО)

Cost of education: 830000

Degree awarded: Bachelor's in Information and Communication Technologies in the educational program "6В06101 Computer engineering and software"

Preparation of competitive graduates with knowledge and skills in the field of designing software and hardware architectures; organization and functioning of individual devices and computers as a whole; design and development of user interface, software components, databases and embedded software modules; maintenance of software products, computer information processing and management systems; design, configuration and operation computer systems and networks.

  • Algorithms and basics of programming
  • Computer systems architecture
  • Software engineering
  • Programming in algorithmic languages
  • Design and architecture of software systems
  • Data analysis
  • Introduction to iOS Programming
  • IT management
  • Cross-platform programming
  • Multimedia technologies
  • Cloud technologies
  • NET Programming
  • Java Programming
  • Advanced C# Programming
  • Advanced Java Programming
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Robotic systems
  • C# Object Oriented Programming
  • Network technologies
  • Artificial intelligence systems
  • Computer vision technologies
  • Object-relational modeling technology
  • Software project management
  • Digital Design
  • Web programming
  • Database
  • Operating Systems
  • Fundamentals of information security
  • System Programming
  • Automata theory
  • Software development technology
  • Software testing technology
  • Introduction to the organization of distributed computing
  • High performance communication environments and networks
  • Parallel programming
  • Digital signal processing

  • Software architect;
  • Software developer;
  • Software engineer;
  • Application programmer;
  • Technician of the computing (information computing) center;
  • System analyst;
  • Network administrator;
  • Software designer;
  • Software maintenance specialist.

Каталог дисциплин