Ecology and nature management

Code and group of the educational program:

В051 Environment

Code and name of the educational program:

6В05201 Ecology and nature management

Education period: 4

Cost of education: 600000

Degree awarded:

Preparation of bachelors with knowledge in the field of ecology and environmental management with knowledge of new trends of modern ecology and environmental management and who are able to apply the knowledge in scientific, practical and educational activities.

Environmental monitoring, Legal foundations of environmental management and environmental protection, Environmental economics, Geoinformation modeling of natural and man-made complexes, Chemical environmental quality control, Environmental Chemistry, Ecotoxicology, Industrial ecology, Environmental impact assessment and environmental expertise, Environmental Design and Industrial environmental control

Environmental engineer of industrial enterprises and organizations; Environmental engineer; specialist, research associate of research institutes and organizations; SPEA; laboratories; nature protection institutions etc.; laboratory assistants of specialized departments of higher educational institutions; laboratory assistants of chemical analysis and spectral analysis in the field of ecology and rational use of natural resources.

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