
Code and group of the educational program:

В013 Biology Teacher Training

Code and name of the educational program:

6В01502 Biology

Education period: 4

Cost of education: 600000

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Education in the educational program «6В01502 - Biology»

Preparation of bachelors of education who are able to carry out qualitative subject-based training and education in different types of educational institutions, fully implementing in the educational process knowledge, skills and abilities on the methodology of teaching biology, the competence and functions of a biology teacher.

SMART technologies in education

Distance learning technologies

Education: a global vision


Fundamentals of Biomedicine

Biomedicine and bioinformatics

Mathematical methods in biology

Fundamentals of Biophysics

Emotional intelligence


Excursion work in biology

Organization of experimental work at the school site

Management in education

Project management

secondary school teacher;

teacher of specialized educational institutions (gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc.)

teacher, specialist of the institution of additional education.

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