Pedagogy and psychology

Code and group of the educational program:

В001 pedagogy and psychology

Code and name of the educational program:

6В01101 Pedagogy and psychology

Education period: 4

Cost of education: 600000

Degree awarded: Bachelor of education in the educational program «6В01101 - Pedagogy and Psychology»

Preparation of a bachelor's degree with broad fundamental knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, possessing basic professional competencies, ready to actively and creatively use psychodiagnostic, correctional, Advisory and educational functions of a psychologist-teacher in education in psychological and pedagogical practice.

SMART technologies in education

Distance learning technologies 

Education: a global vision 


Art therapy

General psychotherapy

Fundamentals of conflictology 

Psychology of crisis

Emotional intelligence


Management in education

Project management

Psychocorrection of the emotional and behavioral sphere of children 

Psychocorrection of child - parent and family relations

A graduate can carry out professional activities in the following areas:

- teacher-psychologist in organizations of preschool, primary, basic secondary, general secondary education;

- teacher-psychologist of special (correctional) and specialized educational organizations;

- teacher of pedagogy and psychology of secondary school, college.

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