International Relations

Code and group of the educational program:

International Relations

Code and name of the educational program:

8D03101 International Relations

Education period: 3

Cost of education: 1 700 000

Degree awarded:

Training of competitive PhD doctors with personal, general cultural and professional competencies in the field of international political, economic, political and legal, scientific, informational and cultural interaction, capable of professional assessment, scientific analysis of the specifics and peculiarities of political relations, conducting research in the field of diplomacy, law, economics, culture, military affairs, foreign and domestic policy

Dynamics of interests of international actors in Central Asia; Transformation of the modern system of international relations: expertise and forecasting; Development of strategies in the process of making foreign policy decisions; Mass media and international political processes

Research – conducting analytical and strategic research in the field of foreign policy and international relations, implementing the results of scientific research, directing and organizing information retrieval work in the chosen scientific field;

Scientific and pedagogical – teaching in the field of social sciences training in bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies, management of research, design, educational, professional and other activities of students, development of educational and methodological support for academic disciplines;

Managerial – defining the strategy, managing the processes and activities of foreign policy departments, departments, structures of state and non-state departments (ministries, akimats, the office of the president, Prime Minister, organizations, etc.), making managerial decisions and responsibility for them;

Expert advisory - development of scientifically based practical recommendations for public administration bodies and departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan working in the field of foreign policy relations on the preparation and implementation of foreign policy decisions, provision of advisory assistance in the framework of issues of the regional and international situation

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