В034 History
6В02201 History
Education period: 4
Cost of education: 650 000
Fundamental educational,
methodological, research training of graduates on the basis of in-depth study
of historical and related disciplines and the formation of competencies
required in professional activities.
anthropology; Modern and recent history of the countries of Europe and America;
Modern and recent history of Asia and Africa; Archeology; Historiography,
source study, methodology of the "Alash" movement; Kazakh nomadic
Functions of professional
teaching in schools;
- professional activity state organiations;
- professional activity in museums, archives;
- practical use and application of knowledge in teaching courses;
- application of knowledge, skills and skills of the
- education of patriotism, formation of respect for the cultural
- implementation of activities for the preservation of cultural heritage;
- popularization of historical and cultural traditions;
- collection and analysis of scientific and historical information;