International Relations

Code and group of the educational program:

В140 International relations and diplomacy

Code and name of the educational program:

6B03101 International Relations

Education period: 4

Cost of education: 890000

Degree awarded: Bachelor in the educational program "International Relations"

Preparation of a new type of international managers to perform organizational functions in transnational, international organizations, government bodies, non-governmental organizations.

History of international relations in modern times; Developed and developing countries of the world; Second foreign language (western and eastern); The factor of hard and soft power in international relations; Mediation in international relations; Integration processes in the global world; Hybrid wars: geopolitical context; Diplomatic protocol and etiquette; Multilateral diplomacy]

• analysis of events and phenomena in the system of international relations, topical issues of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and setting foreign policy objectives;

• organization of information and analytical work;

• development of evidence-based practical recommendations for government bodies and departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan working in the field of foreign policy relations, in the preparation and implementation of foreign policy decisions;

• provision of advisory assistance in the framework of issues of the regional and international situation;

• organization of work of international structures of state and non-state enterprises and organizations

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