On December 2, 2022, the first international scientific conference "Development of steppe science and horse breeding in the Kazakh-Russian border steppe zone" was held, organized by Astana International University and the Akimat of Aitekebi district of Aktobe region

Mon, Dec 5, 2022, 3:16 AM

On December 2, 2022, the first international scientific conference "Development of steppe science and horse breeding in the Kazakh-Russian border steppe zone" was held, organized by Astana International University and the Akimat of Aitekebi district of Aktobe region.  Professor of the Higher School of Natural Sciences of Astana International University, Doctor of Biology Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, President of the Association "Union of Horse Breeders of Kazakhstan", researcher of the National Museum-Reserve "Ulytau" Murat Zhusypbekovich Nurushev spoke at the plenary sessions with reports on the topics "Evolution, current state and prospects development of horse breeding - as a symbol of the wildlife of the steppes "and" On the restoration of secondary steppes in the Aitekebi district of the Aktobe region on the example of LLP "Kiyakbai". The conference participants highly appreciated the contribution of the scientists of Astana International University to the development of this industry!