AIU Seminar for Educators: Advancing Research in Early Childhood Education

Mon, Nov 25, 2024, 10:27 AM

On November 19, 2024, as part of the cooperation agreement between Astana International University and RGP "Kindergarten "Қарлығаш" MCE of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, a seminar-workshop was held on the topic "Organization and Development of Pedagogical Research in Early Childhood Education".

The seminar was conducted by Dr. Zhanar Erkinovna Zhumabaeva, Professor at the Pedagogical Institute of AIU and scientific supervisor of one of the projects implemented at the experimental educational sites of "Қарлығаш" kindergarten.

From 2024 to 2027, two "Қарлығаш" kindergartens will be implementing the following experimental projects:

  • "Education and Teaching Based on National Values" – under the scientific guidance of Dr. Zhanar Erkinovna Zhumabaeva;
  • "EcoTeam: From Ecological Relationships to an Ecological Environment" – under the guidance of Dr. Zhanna K. Akhmadieva and PhD T.B. Kenzhebaeva.

During the seminar, participants were introduced to the key stages of organizing pedagogical research in early childhood education institutions and the methodological approaches necessary for the successful implementation of experimental projects.

The cooperation between AIU and "Қарлығаш" kindergartens is focused on introducing innovative methods into the educational process and developing a scientific foundation for training qualified professionals in early childhood education.