The teaching staff of the Higher School of Economics and environmental students of AIU took part in the International Scientific and Environmental Forum on the topic "Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources".

Mon, Nov 14, 2022, 10:53 AM

On November 11, 2022, the teaching staff of the Higher School of Natural Sciences and environmental students of Astana International University took part in the International Scientific and Environmental Forum on the topic "Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources". The forum was organized by the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NJSC "Civil Initiatives Support Center" and the Public Fund "Environmental Fund of Kazakhstan" in order to discuss and find solutions to the main problems in the field of environmental protection.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dean Seitkan Ainur Seitkankyzy made presentations on the topic “Thermal behavior of iron diarsenide” and Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Satybaldiyeva Gulmira Kalmashevna on the topic “Rational use of natural resources”. As a result of the conference, scientific and practical recommendations were developed to ensure the sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the forum participants noted the relevance and high significance of the conference.