DEAR APPLICANTS, you have a chance to receive a grant from the local executive bodies of Astana!

Thu, Jul 4, 2024, 9:52 AM

In accordance with the resolution of the Commission of the local executive body (СLEB) of Astana dated June 6, 2024 No.107-1984, Astana International University (AIU) informs about the allocation of 500 educational grants at the expense of the CLEB of Astana for the following groups of bachelor's degree educational programs for 2024-2028 academic years:

The number of grants by groups of educational programs:

• B001 Pedagogy and Psychology - 25 grants

• B002 Preschool education and upbringing – 80 grants

• B003 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education – 150 grants

• In 1997, the training of teachers of art work and drawing - 20 grants

• B009 Mathematics Teacher Training - 60 grants

• B010 Physics Teacher Training - 25 grants

• B011 Computer Science Teacher Training - 20 grants

• B012 Chemistry Teacher Training - 20 grants

• B013 Biology Teacher Training - 10 grants

• B014 Geography Teacher Training - 10 grants

• B017 Training of teachers of Russian language and literature – 50 grants

• B020 Training of specialists in special pedagogy - 30 grants.

Applications for the competition of educational grants at the expense of CLEB funds are accepted from August 5 to August 15.

Don't miss your chance to study for free at one of the best universities in the country! You can learn more about the application process and the conditions for obtaining a grant on our website.

AIU Contacts:

• Address: Kazakhstan, Astana, Kabanbai Batyr Avenue 8

• Phone: Call center +7 (7172) 47-66-77

• E-mail:

We are waiting for you at AIU!