Charity fairs from Pedagogical Institute of AIU

Thu, Apr 18, 2024, 11:39 AM

The ramifications of natural disasters within our nation are widely recognized. It is evident that such calamities have also impacted the domiciles of students attending AIU. The institution, situated in the capital's nucleus, remains steadfast in its commitment to assist its student body, which comprises individuals from diverse regions of the country. In response to these events, a series of initiatives were orchestrated, garnering contributions from both faculty and students alike. Consequently, on April 11, 2024, the Pedagogical Institute's staff orchestrated a philanthropic event titled "Our students are our children." Furthermore, on April 17, within the confines of the university, the Pedagogical Institute's students conducted an extensive "Charity Fair," for which they personally crafted homemade culinary dishes and baked goods. The collaborative efforts and the collective aspiration to render aid foster a cohesive and supportive environment, thereby facilitating the surmounting of adversities.