The “Center for Environmental Research and Education” of the university organized a trip as part of a project for landscaping!

Tue, Apr 9, 2024, 4:09 AM

On March 26-27 the “Center for Environmental Research and Education” of the university organized a trip supervised by E.Zh. Makazhanov. and Nurymova Zh.D. to the Satpayev city as part of a project for landscaping a sanitary zone in the Zhezkazgan region. Bayazitov Elnar, a 2nd year student in the specialty "Ecology and Environmental Management", and Tolegen Fatima, a 3rd year student in the specialty "Biology" participated in this fieldwork. Local soil and spring water were sampled from the area for subsequent analysis. In addition, students monitored migration of eagles and falcons from the south to the north of Kazakhstan. This field study allowed students to gain practical skills necessary for their future profession and to contribute to the implementation of an important project on landscaping and environmental protection.