Geography students from the Higher School of Natural Sciences visited the Mineralogical Museum

Fri, Feb 9, 2024, 9:01 AM

On February 6, first-year students of the educational program “Recreational Geography and Tourism” of the School of Natural Sciences visited the Mineralogical museum in Astana as part of the course "Fundamentals of Geology and Geomorphology." The purpose of this excursion was the practical study of the topic "Minerals". The exhibition featured a vast number of unique specimens collected by the museum director and founder, Ismailov Olzhabay Zhumagalievich. Students visually acquainted themselves with minerals from our republic and other countries. They had the opportunity to touch precious and semi-precious stones, fossils, artifacts, and much more.

This excursion allowed us to form a visual understanding of the natural diversity of minerals and became a unique opportunity to broaden the horizons of students. We express our sincere gratitude to the head of the museum, O.Zh. Ismailov. for the opportunity to appreciate the aesthetics of natural treasures.