Mon, Apr 19, 2021, 11:55 AM

The book-album by Kazakhbai Azhibekuly, a professor at the Higher School of Art and Design of Astana International University, was published by the Language Policy Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the program “Increasing competition in the field of culture and art, preserving, studying and promoting Kazakh cultural heritage and increasing the efficiency of archival work” , subprogram “Acquisition, publication and distribution of socially significant types of literature.”

Kazakhbay Azhibekuly is a sincere and real artist, multifacetedly presenting to us his worldview, aesthetic and artistic views on the world around us, history and spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people. Kazakhbai Azhibekuly found his own style and his own manner of painter, his own special path as an artist, researcher and philosopher. Today he is known primarily as a muralist, an adherent of a realistic reflection of history and modernity, with a distinctive ethno-romantic style.