Seminar in the library

Sat, Feb 4, 2023, 5:50 AM

February 7 this year 4th year students studying in the educational program 6B02101 – Design, held a seminar on the academic discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research” in the AMU library. This was not the first seminar at the library. At the beginning of the academic year, 5th year design students began work on their diploma projects by also studying modern search capabilities.

The head of the library, Gulnara Rakhimtaevna Begimova, introduced students to open information resources that provide textbooks, monographs, dissertations and articles from scientific journals in digital format. Platforms of the National Electronic Library of Kazakhstan and the World Digital Library, information portals Bibliorossika, Open Educational Resources, Science Open, Unpaywall,, Eastern Michigan University Browse Research and Scholarship, Cyberleninka, academic resources of the journals “Science”, “Nature”, Abhinav Commerce And Management Arts And Education Science And Technology and many others - this is open access for our students to millions of scientific publications from thousands of scientific journals, books, research projects.

Students need knowledge and ability to use various databases for successful research and project activities. Gulnara Rakhimtaevna’s information about where and what scientific materials can be studied remotely was extremely useful to our students.

Associate Professor at VSID Povalyashko G. N.