Art and ecology

Mon, Mar 6, 2023, 9:06 AM

In the period from December 13, 2022 to January 23, 2023, the AMU accepted works for participation in the university competition of environmental drawings and posts on social networks, as well as videos dedicated to the problem of municipal solid waste (MSW).

A drawing by Taisyuganova Malika, a master's student at the Higher School of Art and Design, became the best in the competition. The initiators of the competition were the team of the Higher School of Natural Sciences. However, the goal of the competition – environmental education – is close to students and undergraduates studying in the specialty “Design”. The search for a visual language of landscape architecture that can convey to society a philosophically meaningful message of harmony with nature is one of the main scientific tasks of environmental design.

Malika's painting, submitted to the competition, aesthetically subtly and dramatically addresses the situation of today. Stylistically, the plot refers to the “Flowers-Birds” genre, which developed back in the Middle Ages in the painting of the countries of the Far Eastern region. But there is no harmony in the picture, the death of the bird with a plastic loop around its neck and its offspring is a foregone conclusion...

We congratulate Malika Taysyuganova on her victory and the creation of a visual image-call here, now and with every action to preserve nature and live in harmony with it.