«The best university lecturer -2023»

Thu, Dec 28, 2023, 10:04 AM

Congratulations to associate professor of the Higher School of Information Technology and Engineering Barlybaev Alibek Baktybaevich on winning the competition «The best university lecturer -2023»!

In the competition "The best university lecturer -2023" 150 teachers from 43 Kazakhstani universities of higher educational institutions of the country became winners. Such indicators of applicants as the quality of teaching, the development of educational resources, publication activity and the availability of patents for inventions were evaluated.

The competition "The Best University lecturer - 2023" was organized using the information system of MSHE, which provided participants with full transparency at all stages of the event. Applications and necessary documents for participation were accepted in electronic format, which guaranteed the openness and accessibility of the competition process.

Lecturers of AIU have once again confirmed the high quality of the university's educational and scientific programs and projects.