AIU students took second place at the Republican Olympiad in Physics

Fri, Apr 22, 2022, 7:10 AM

According to the results of the XIV Republican Olympiad in PHYSICS among students of the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the AIU team took 2-nd place in the team event. The Olympiad was held on the basis of the Pavlodar Pedagogical University from 20-21.04.2022.

The team of AIU physicists was represented by three students - Zhakan Amirzhan (2nd year student), Kaldybek Asylzhan (3rd year student) and Tugelbayeva Karakat (1st year student).

The Physics Olympiad was held in three stages (theoretical level, problem solving and laboratory research). Participants from 15 regional universities of the country were represented. Team Leader Ass. Professor, PhD Nurkenov Serik.