Advanced training of a teacher of the higher school of education of AIU at the Moscow State Pedagogical University of Moscow city (hereinafter referred to as MSPU)

Thu, Jun 30, 2022, 3:07 AM

As part of the cooperation agreement with the Moscow State Pedagogical University, in the period from June 16 to June 25, 2022 (72 hours), Serik Amangeldinovich Nurkenov, Doctor of Philosophy, completed a scientific internship at the Institute of Physics, Technology and Information Systems in Moscow.

The purpose of the internship was to master the advanced training program in the form of practical training and deepening theoretical knowledge, acquiring skills, abilities and experience in practical work in scientific research using advanced methods and equipment in the field of fundamental and applied nanoscience, as well as in training students of physics.

During the scientific internship, modern methods of physical experiment used to create and study the electrical and optical properties of various objects of condensed matter physics, including functional nanomaterials, as well as technological processes of micro and nanoelectronics in applied research, were considered and studied in detail.

Detailed acquaintance with the organization of the educational process at the Department of General and Experimental Physics of the MSPU, with the methodological support of the educational process in the areas of training at IPTIS, technologies for the formation of competencies in the learning process, methodological materials for monitoring students' knowledge, materials for course and diploma projects, materials for ensuring independent work of students, organization of research work. Attending the defense of diploma projects of university graduates. Familiarization and visit of laboratories, technopark and astrospace center of IPTIS (types of ongoing research work).

As part of the internship, attention was paid to scientific research in the field of superconductivity physics, photonics, quantum sensors and nanostructure manufacturing technologies. A number of scientific publications and joint plans were discussed.

          Based on the results of the internship, preliminary ways of cooperation were identified:

Ø Joint cooperation in the field of scientific research (projects);

Ø Cooperation and organization of guest lectures for students and undergraduates;

Ø Joint participation in the preparation and education of students/undergraduates (organization of internships for scientific research).

Close cooperation has been established to carry out joint scientific research and preparation of publications.