On April 11, 2023, the Higher School of Information Technology and Engineering held a subject Olympiad in programming for 1-2-3 year students

Tue, Apr 11, 2023, 12:56 PM

On April 11, 2023, the Higher School of Information Technology and Engineering held a subject Olympiad in programming for 1-2-3 year students.

The purpose of the Olympiad is to reveal creative abilities, select and support the most talented and gifted students, promote the formation of the intellectual potential of students, attract students to solving scientific problems of our time, develop interest in scientific activity.

Winners of the Olympiad:

1. I place - Islam Asylbayev, IS-20A

2. II place - Nikolaev Bakhtiyar, CT&S (T&PE)-21B

3. II location-asset Alibek, CS-21B

4. III place-Kyzaimbek Aigerim, CT&S -22A

The subject Olympiad provides great opportunities for improving the level and indicator of professional qualifications of students. Congratulations to the winners and good luck!