Tue, Jan 24, 2023, 11:46 AM

On the basis of a cooperation agreement between Toraighyrov University (Pavlodar) and Astana International University, academic mobility of the teaching staff was organized in the 1st semester of the 2022-2023 academic year of the Higher School of Economics together with the Department of Accounting and Finance. Professor of the Department "Accounting and Finance" Toraigyrov University Altaybayeva Zh.K. conducted training sessions on the course "Accounting and audit" for the bachelor of the 2nd year of study specialties "Finance". As part of the outgoing academic mobility for students of Toraigyrov University, training sessions were conducted by Professor of the Higher School of Economics Aimurzina B. T., the course "Fundamentals of Finance" for the bachelor of the 2nd year of the specialties "Accounting and Auditing". The students noted that the training sessions were conducted at a high professional level.