
Republican seminar: the best methods from AIU teachers
Mon, Oct 28, 2024, 7:47 AM

🌟 On October 22-23, Astana International University hosted a large-scale seminar for teachers of humanities, dedicated to preparing schoolchildren for Olympiads in Kazakh and Russian languages and literature. The event brought together teachers from all regions of the country! 🎉

🎯 The purpose of the seminar is to help teachers raise their professional skills to a new level and equip them with the tools needed to prepare students for the Olympiads. Participants had the opportunity to listen to presentations from the leading educators at AIU: Associate Professor and Candidate of Philological Sciences, Rezuanova Galiyabana Kabievna; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and Associate Professor, Abzhakov Talgatbek Duisenbekovich; and Senior Lecturer and Candidate of Philological Sciences, Abildinova Zhanar Berikovna. 🏆

💡 The seminar program included practical workshops where teachers learned to:

  • competently write research papers and inspire students to explore science 🔍;
  • create high-quality essays that meet modern requirements and evaluation criteria 📝;
  • avoid common mistakes students often make during Olympiads 🚫.

🌈 The conclusion of the seminar was especially rewarding: participants expressed heartfelt thanks to AIU educators for their helpful, informative presentations and voiced interest in AIU’s academic programs and student life. Many even promised to share these exciting opportunities with their students! 🎓

🌍 The seminar not only strengthened ties between educational institutions nationwide but also opened new avenues for cooperation and knowledge exchange, inspiring teachers to grow and develop alongside Astana International University. 🌱

Internships in Turkey: meeting with a representative of «Job Tűrkiye»
Thu, Oct 24, 2024, 7:48 AM

On October 22, the Higher School of Natural Sciences of Astana International University organized a meeting of students of the educational program "Recreational Geography and Tourism" with Vitaly Orlov, a representative of the international company "Job Tkiye". The main purpose of the event is to introduce students to the possibilities of professional practice and summer internship in Turkey, as well as to help them better understand the requirements and prospects of working in the international tourism industry.

During the meeting, Vitaly Orlov presented a presentation on the activities of Job Tkiye, telling about the company's mission and its contribution to the development of the tourism sector. He elaborated on the internship programs that the company offers to students and explained what conditions must be met for the successful selection of candidates. The issues of employment, career growth and development in tourism were also highlighted. Special attention was paid to skills that are particularly in demand on the international market: knowledge of foreign languages, cross-cultural communication, as well as the ability to adapt to various professional conditions.

During the meeting, students actively asked questions about the specifics of internships in Turkey, were interested in the details of selection and how to prepare for practice as effectively as possible. Vitaly Orlov gave practical advice on what steps should be taken to successfully complete the internship, and also spoke about the opportunities for further employment in tourism following the internship.

This has become a unique opportunity for students to get first-hand information and better understand what is required to work in an international environment. Such meetings not only expand horizons and open up new opportunities for future careers, but also help students take important steps towards professional success.

AIU students are prize—winners of the XVI Republican Olympiad!
Wed, Oct 23, 2024, 9:27 AM

On October 16-17, 2024, the XVI Republican Subject Olympiad for future teachers was held at the S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University. The Astana International University team performed well and won prizes in several nominations, demonstrating a high level of training and professional skills.

🥉 Third place in preschool education

Under the guidance of an experienced mentor Akhmetzhanova A.K., the AIU team for the educational program "Preschool education and upbringing" (6B01201) took the third place. This achievement was the result of their diligence and dedication, as well as excellent training, which allowed them to stand out among the participants of the Olympiad.

📖 Prize - winning place in Russian language and literature

The university team also took the third place in the direction of "Russian language and literature" (6B01702). Students and teachers did a lot of preparatory work, which helped them demonstrate their deep knowledge and creative approach to the tasks of the Olympiad.

🌍 The "most active team" by geography

The performance of the Geography team (6B01504), which received the title of "The most active Team", was also crowned with success. The support and inspiring leadership of Baigukin Galimbek Tursunuly played an important role in their victory.

We are proud of the achievements of our students and thank their mentors for the work they have done. Congratulations to the participants on their well-deserved awards and wish them further success and new victories in educational competitions!

Environmental lesson: How climate affects the future of the Earth
Wed, Oct 23, 2024, 9:07 AM

Today, senior PhD teacher of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, Ayman Beisembaevna Karabalaeva, conducted an exciting environmental lesson on the theme "The Power of Climate" for 9th grade students of the Binom Lyceum named after Y. Altynsarina!

The topic of the lesson "The Power of Climate" revealed to students many important aspects of climate change, their causes and consequences for the planet. Ayman Beisembayevna explained how human activity — from industrial production to changes in natural landscapes — intensifies climatic shifts, which leads to serious consequences such as melting glaciers, sea level rise and extreme weather events. 

The influence of climate is evident in every corner of the Earth: from the warming of the Arctic to droughts in Africa and wildfires in Australia. Ayman Karabalayeva also spoke in detail about the greenhouse effect and how the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere causes an increase in the average temperature on the planet. This knowledge allowed the students to understand the global scale of the problem and the importance of international efforts to combat climate change.

The power of Climate is not only its destructive influence, but also an opportunity for humanity to change the situation. The students learned how each of us can influence the future of the Earth. Simple actions such as saving energy, eliminating single-use plastics, using renewable energy sources, recycling waste and planting trees can have a significant positive impact on the climate.

During the lesson, Ayman Beisembayevna used fascinating interactive tasks and quizzes to consolidate students' knowledge. The guys actively participated in the discussions, offered their ideas on reducing the carbon footprint and learned about existing international environmental initiatives such as the Paris Agreement and reforestation programs.

👏🏼 We are confident that such initiatives contribute to the formation of environmental awareness among young people and inspire them to take active actions to protect the environment! This knowledge lays the foundation for a more responsible attitude towards nature and a future in which man lives in harmony with the environment.

Career guidance was also conducted during the lesson, where high school students learned about professions in the field of ecology, climatology and renewable energy sources. Such professions are not only relevant, but also extremely important for the sustainable development of the planet.

#Ecological Lesson #Climate Science #Education #Climatic Changes #Ecology #Lyceum University #Astana #Future Planets

How to find your Dream profession: tips and tests from AIU experts
Tue, Oct 22, 2024, 7:13 AM

 Choosing a future profession is one of the most important decisions in every person's life. In this matter, it is important not only to follow your dreams, but also to be aware of your real interests, abilities and inclinations. Career guidance helps high school students see this not as a difficult dilemma, but as an opportunity to better understand themselves and their strengths in order to make an informed choice.

On October 22, 2024, such a meeting was held at the K. Satpayev Lyceum No. 61, designed to help students of grades 10-11 determine their professional path. Experts from Astana International University (AIU) conducted a rich program with interactive lectures and master classes aimed at ensuring that each student could better understand their inclinations and find the answer to the main question — who to become in the future.

👩‍🏫 The team of experts consisted of Malika Imangalieva, Dinara Kaharman, Amangelda Kazizov, Kamila Rakhmatulina and Ayazhan Nazhmadinova, who conducted interactive lectures and master classes. Each lesson was filled with live real-life examples, dynamic tasks and useful tips, allowing the children to take a fresh look at the diversity of professions.

The main purpose of the meeting was not only to introduce students to various fields, but also to create conditions for an informed choice through a deep analysis of their interests, talents and inclinations. Students could ask any questions of concern to the teachers and take fascinating tests that helped to identify their preferences in the professional field.

Such events play a key role in building students' confidence and helping them feel ready for important life decisions. AIU actively supports initiatives of this kind, realizing how important career guidance is for the development of successful individuals and future professionals.

Physics in action: discussion of theoretical and practical aspects at the seminar
Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 11:12 AM

✨ An exciting scientific seminar dedicated to "Physics" was held at Astana International University, where theoretical ideas met with practical findings. This event has become a real platform for discussing current areas of physics and inspiration for students and young scientists.

🤝 The seminar brought together not only teachers and undergraduates of the AIU, but also students of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, as well as teachers and students of urban schools, including Lyceum No. 2 named after G. Kayyrbekov and school No. 95. The atmosphere of knowledge and experience exchange was so lively that each participant felt like a part of a single scientific community.

💡 Impressive reports were presented at the event, which made the audience think about the versatility of physics. Associate Professor, PhD and head of the Physics educational program S.A. Nurkenov opened the seminar, emphasizing the importance of physics for modern society and the need to train specialists for a future nuclear power plant. His words inspired young people to actively participate in scientific research.

🔍 Various topics were discussed at the seminar, including the use of Python to visualize the probability density of gas molecules, the study of the Schrodinger equation using Matlab, methods for analyzing the harmonic oscillator in quantum dynamics, and the use of radiopharmaceuticals for early diagnosis of cancer. The event concluded with a report on the development of thermally stable nanocoating based on Fe-Be2+δ.

🌌 The seminar participants actively discussed how theoretical concepts of physics find practical application in various fields, including new experimental methods and modern technologies. These discussions not only expanded scientific horizons, but also increased the interest of young scientists in physics as a fascinating and important field of knowledge.

🎓 We sincerely thank all the participants, especially Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Toksan Aypkanovich Zhakataev, and physics teacher of school No. 95 Bisimbayeva Zhibek Baltashevna, for their active participation and contribution to the development of the scientific community. Together we are making steps into the future of science!

Professor Dzhumabayev's contribution: a book about outstanding mathematicians in the University library
Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 10:56 AM

In the world of science and art, paths sometimes cross, creating amazing synergies. Recently, Professor of Astana International University Dzhumabaev Serik Asetovich took a step in this direction by transferring to the university library fund an impressive book "Masters of Abstraction" by photographer Peter Budge.

This edition is not just a collection of portraits, but a real gallery of outstanding mathematicians and computer scientists, winners of prestigious prizes such as the Fields Medal, the Abel Prize and the Turing Prize. These awards can be safely considered the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Mathematics, and their holders are the real titans of their science.

Peter Budge uses analog photography to highlight the connection between creative processes in art and science. Each image in the book is not just the face of a scientist, but a story full of inspiration and passion for knowledge. The portraits demonstrate that behind complex mathematical theories there are real people with unique characters and experiences. These stories arouse interest and inspiration, reminding us that science is not only numbers and formulas, but also human destinies.

The book is also closely linked to the mission of the Heidelberg Laureates Forum Foundation, which seeks to bring together young researchers and leading scientists, contributing to the development of future scientific discoveries. Participation in the Heidelberg Laureates Forum opens up unique opportunities for young scientists for growth and career.