
Wed, Jul 6, 2022, 10:32 AM

"National Center for Biotechnology" is the leading scientific institution of the biological profile in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Center carries out programs in the field of biology, biotechnology, biological safety and ecology. The NCB is a foundation for training and enhancing collaboration in the field of biotechnology and biology, and promotes interdisciplinary research in the basic life sciences and technologies in order to maximize the impact of biotechnological benefits for the benefit of society.

As part of the agreement, it is planned:

Training of personnel in the main educational programs of higher education, additional professional programs for advanced training and professional retraining of employees;

Involvement in the educational process of NCB employees from among the current managers and employees whose activities are related to the focus (profile) of the main educational program being implemented;

Organization of meetings for students with representatives of the NCB from among the middle and senior management, holding master classes by representatives of the NCB;

Involvement of representatives of the NCB in the conduct of the state final certification for the main educational programs of higher education;

Organization and conduct of professional and research practices of students of the University by groups of educational programs B050 Biological and related sciences, B051 Environment, M087 Environmental protection technology, M080 Biology, in the Enterprise in accordance with the agreement concluded between the University and the Enterprise for the practice of students;

Organization and conduct of internships for students in the group of educational programs D087 Environmental Protection Technology and University employees in the NCB;

Development and implementation of joint programs to improve the skills of the staff of the University and the NCB and the exchange of experience;

Facilitating the employment of graduates who have shown themselves in the best possible way in the learning process and in the course of work experience in the NCB in the presence of vacant positions;

Ensuring the advanced nature of training specialists based on the integration of scientific, educational and industrial activities, which guarantees their competitiveness in the labor market and educational services.

Advanced training of a teacher of the higher school of education of AIU at the Moscow State Pedagogical University of....
Thu, Jun 30, 2022, 3:07 AM

As part of the cooperation agreement with the Moscow State Pedagogical University, in the period from June 16 to June 25, 2022 (72 hours), Serik Amangeldinovich Nurkenov, Doctor of Philosophy, completed a scientific internship at the Institute of Physics, Technology and Information Systems in Moscow.

The purpose of the internship was to master the advanced training program in the form of practical training and deepening theoretical knowledge, acquiring skills, abilities and experience in practical work in scientific research using advanced methods and equipment in the field of fundamental and applied nanoscience, as well as in training students of physics.

During the scientific internship, modern methods of physical experiment used to create and study the electrical and optical properties of various objects of condensed matter physics, including functional nanomaterials, as well as technological processes of micro and nanoelectronics in applied research, were considered and studied in detail.

Detailed acquaintance with the organization of the educational process at the Department of General and Experimental Physics of the MSPU, with the methodological support of the educational process in the areas of training at IPTIS, technologies for the formation of competencies in the learning process, methodological materials for monitoring students' knowledge, materials for course and diploma projects, materials for ensuring independent work of students, organization of research work. Attending the defense of diploma projects of university graduates. Familiarization and visit of laboratories, technopark and astrospace center of IPTIS (types of ongoing research work).

As part of the internship, attention was paid to scientific research in the field of superconductivity physics, photonics, quantum sensors and nanostructure manufacturing technologies. A number of scientific publications and joint plans were discussed.

          Based on the results of the internship, preliminary ways of cooperation were identified:

Ø Joint cooperation in the field of scientific research (projects);

Ø Cooperation and organization of guest lectures for students and undergraduates;

Ø Joint participation in the preparation and education of students/undergraduates (organization of internships for scientific research).

Close cooperation has been established to carry out joint scientific research and preparation of publications.

Wed, Jun 22, 2022, 11:00 AM

A round table on inter-budgetary relations was held at the Higher School of Economics. The moderator of the round table was M. Z. Kazhyken, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the «Modern Society Research Institute» LLP.

The event was attended by: Zeynelgabdin A.B., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Institute of Management of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Berstembayeva R.K., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of ESIL University; Akhmetov Zh., expert, independent economist, Director of OilGasProject LLP; Ospanov K.T., Adviser to the President of Astana International University; Smagulova Z.K., Dean of the Higher School of Economics; as well as by teaching staff, graduates, postgraduates, representatives of partner universities (BSEU Minsk, ToU, InEU). The participants considered issues of reforming the system of inter-budgetary relations in the light of the announced and already launched political reforms in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In particular, they put attention on the fair redistribution of national income, determination of criteria for the fair distribution of income sources and expenditure obligations, consolidation of budgetary powers of the levels of public administration, the problem of disproportions in the ratio of income shares of the republican budget and the budgets of the subjects of the Republic of Kazakhstan, bottlenecks of the Tax Code, etc. During the open discussion, relevant aspects, and problems of inter-budgetary relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan were identified, which require comprehensive research, analysis and elaboration.

Based on the results of the Round Table, it was decided to organize a regular platform for discussion and consolidation of the expert community on the basis of the Higher School of Economics.

вторник, 21 июня 2022 г. 20 июня 2022 г. в Педагогическом колледже AIU состоялся круглый стол посвященный работе ОФ «Экологический....
Tue, Jun 21, 2022, 5:00 AM

20 июня 2022 г. в Педагогическом колледже международного университета Астана состоялся круглый стол посвященный работе ОФ «Экологический Фонд Казахстана» и НАО «Центр поддержки гражданских инициатив» при поддержке Министерства информации и общественного развития РК, где было показана реализация проекта «Разработка и реализация комплекса мер по укреплению экологической культуры среди молодежи».

С вступительной речью выступил  Абаканов Е.Н. - депутат Мажилиса Парламента Республики Казахстан, член комитета по вопросам экологии и природопользованию Мажилиса Парламента Республики Казахстан.

Руководитель Проекта, президент ОФ «Экологический Фонд Казахстана» Абдуалиева А.К. рассказала о  различных акциях экологической направленности, конкурсах, тренингах и других мероприятиях, которые проводятся в рамках проекта и способствуют формированию экологической культуры молодежи. При этом используются инновационные методы, которые адаптированы под интересы современной молодежи.

На круглый стол также были приглашены представители общественных организаций, работающие в сфере экологии, преподаватели вузов, учителя  школ.  Наш университет представляла магистр экологии, преподаватель ВШЕН Карабалаева Айман Бейсембаевна. В завершении работы круглого стола были представлены рекомендации и достигнуты договоренности по сотрудничеству в рамках проекта.

Поступающие на педагогические специальности по государственному гранту или на платное отделение! Должны сдать специальный (педагогический) экзамен.
Fri, Jun 17, 2022, 6:00 AM

Поступающие на педагогические специальности по государственному гранту или на платное отделение! Должны сдать специальный (педагогический) экзамен.

Поступающие на педагогические специальности по государственному гранту или на платное отделение! Должны сдать специальный (педагогический) экзамен. Примем заявление осуществляется через сайт университета. Даты приема заявлений от 20.06 до 13.07. 2022 (на грант), с 20.06 до 20.08.2022 на платное. Необходимые документы:

1) Скан документ об общем среднем или техническом и профессиональном, послесреднем образовании;

2) Цифровое фото размером 3 x 4;

3) Скан документа, удостоверяющего личность;

4) сертификат ЕНТ (при его наличии);


Награждение лучших докладов участников конференции «INFORMATICS. MATHEMATICS. AUTOMATICS – 2022» IMA – 2022
Fri, Apr 22, 2022, 6:58 AM

пятница, 22 апреля 2022 г.

Награждение лучших докладов участников конференции «INFORMATICS. MATHEMATICS. AUTOMATICS – 2022» IMA – 2022

18-22 апреля 2022 года Международный университет Астана совместно с Сумским государственным университетом (г.Сумы, Украина) проводили Международную научную конференцию студентов и молодых ученых. Основными направлениями конференции стали Искусственный интеллект и прикладная математика, Автоматизированные системы и IT менеджмент, Радиотехника, Электроника и телекоммуникация. Участники конференции представили доклады о передовых исследованиях в данных областях и поделились научным опытом. В рамках конференции был проведен конкурс на лучшие доклады. По итогам конкурса, дипломами за лучшие доклады, а также памятными подарками от спонсора конференции ТОО Международный университет Астана, были награждены:

В секции "Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics"

Секционные доклады:

· 1 место – Kubekov B.S., Zhasandykyzy M., Mainzer D., Makhmadierov A. Тема доклада: Cognitive-frame model of knowledge representation, based on the ontology of concepts

· 2 место – Aiymbay S.Zh. Тема доклада: Detection of spoofing attack on biometric verification system

· 2 место – Zhumabay E.S., Kalman G., Sambetbaeva M.A. Тема доклада: Model of prosperity measurement for solving referencial relations

· 3 место – Saktashova U.Zh. Тема доклада: Artificial intelligence technology in document exchange

· 3 место – Dairiev D.E., Makhmudova A.R. Тема доклада: Artificial intelligence in education

· 3 место – Aitkazy M., Zhukabayeva T.K. Тема доклада: Design and Implementation of Brick Game Based on Unity 3D

В секции "Automated Systems and IT Management"

Секционные доклады:

· 1 место – Utepbergenov I.T., Sagyndykova Sh.N., Bashirov Ch.A. Тема доклада: Development of a robotic pharmacy

· 2 место – Axanov R., Mukanova A.S. Тема доклада: Agile leadership in Teams

· 2 место – Utepbergenov I.T., Toibayeva Sh.D., Abylkhasenova D.K. Тема доклада: Decomposition and business process management

· 3 место – Danabek D.D., Zhukabayeva T.K. Тема доклада: Creating a game project based on Unity 3D

· 3 место – Nasymbaev R. Тема доклада: Android app for transferring video data to cloud services

· 3 место – Imambekova Zh. Тема доклада: Using Lora Wan to extract data from computing devices

В секции "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications"

Секционные доклады:

· 1 место – Shadymurat D.R., Mirzakulova Sh.A. Тема доклада: Analysis of the Ant algorithm with the possibility of application in telecommunications

· 2 место – Ibraeva Zh.B., Mirzakulova Sh.A. Тема доклада: Network traffic analysis using Leybourne-mccabe test

· 2 место – Kubekov B.S., Bakbergen A., Shotaev A. Тема доклада: Formalization of professional knowledge of enterprise engineering on the basis of the Zachman model

· 3 место – Alimzhanova Zh.M., Ilesova B.E. Тема доклада: Assessment of the level of protection of organizations

· 3 место – Pan A.A. Тема доклада: Distance Learning: pros and cons

· 3 место – Kenzhebayeva Zh.T., Stamgazieva Zh.K. Тема доклада: Advantages of using cloud technologies for implementing IoT solutions

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