
Tue, May 30, 2023, 2:32 PM

In total, 55 scientific articles were submitted to the section of the Higher School of Economics. Welcoming words and congratulations were sent to the university by our partners: Zhao Zhongxiu, Rector of UIBE University, 赵忠秀校长, Stefan Dyrka, Doctor of economic sciences, Professor, Katowice Business University W. Korfantego, Poland, Shakizada Niyazbekova, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Albena Nakova, Prof., Deputy Director, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, Ivan Petrov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, First Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The section was attended by 19 speakers. Based on the results of the work, they were awarded a diploma of the 1st degree Eleuova Aiken, 2 degree diplomas Zverkova Anastasia and Yerzhan Asylym, diplomas of the 3rd degree Sagadatova Karakat, Nurtazina Laura, Alimkulova Zarina. It was also decided to single out a number of students with nominations:

- "Relevance of the research": Gulamzhanova Sitara, Batyrbek Erzat, Trofimova Anna, Fashutdinov Artyom.

- “Creativity of thinking»: Kurmasheva Dilnaz, Fazilov Begzod.

- "Young explorers": Kabysheva Dilda, Bisenkulov Arsen, Bekmukhanova Fatima.

Electronic certificates were sent to all nominees and participants of the conference. Thank you for your active participation and see you soon!

The direction of "Design research in the context of modern culture" in the work of the International scientific and practical....
Wed, May 24, 2023, 5:50 AM

On May 24, 2023, teachers, undergraduates and students of the Higher School of Art and Design took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "AIU - 2023: Analyze. Innovate. Use", held at the university. This annual forum has become one of the main events in the extensive program of anniversary events dedicated to the fifth anniversary of Astana International University.

Before the start of the section, our international research partners Makhutov Burkit Nabatbaevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Economics and Development of Nizhnevartovsk State University (Nizhnevartovsk, Russia) and Amirgazin Kairtai Zhakupovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Advisor to the Rector of the Higher School of Folk Arts addressed the participants with a welcoming speech (online) (St. Petersburg, (Russia), as well as Tanbergenov Medeubek Zhumatayuly, M. Auezov atyndagi Ontustik Kazakhstan University, Madeniyet zhane Oner faculty deans, Pedagogy gylymdaryn doctors, professor (KR).

The direction of the HSE section "Design research in the context of modern culture" attracted participants with a wide range of discussion issues related to digital culture and the prospects for the development of design. An active discussion of the participants unfolded during the discussion of the speeches of students Bondarenko Egor "Artificial intelligence in the field of design", Kusainova Nargiz "Artificial intelligence in the life of an artist. Enemy or helper", Tumanov Aidos "The possibilities of the MIDJOURNEY neural network in graphic design", Aida Fedotova "The gaming industry as a space for artists", Associate Professor Galina Nikolaevna Povalyashko in collaboration with Deputy Dean Ella Talgatovna Daumenova "Digital Art: implementation in the cultural space".

Topical issues of architectural design were discussed in the reports of Associate professor Tatyana Alexandrovna Kiseleva "On architectural and design education in the language of oppositions: rational pragmatism - conceptual fantasies", 2nd year undergraduate Malika Taisyuganova "Techniques and methods of visual correction of interiors of public spaces", students of Symbat Adilbai "Eco-friendly recreation area", Aruana Sartai "New architecture of Kazakhstan to prevent the consequences of earthquakes." 

Various aspects of the development of graphic design were considered by students Dilnaz Ospanova "Astana kalasyndagi fitnessblitz fitness clubyn firmalyk style damytudagi keybir graphalyk designyn ozekti maseleri", Yerkebulan Tulkibai "Komiksin kazirgi tanda otandyk kenistiktegi orny", Alexandra Fitsenko "Design features of banknotes world currencies" and many others.

Following the results of the sectional meeting, a decision was made on the winners:

1st place - Taisyuganova M.

2nd place - Tulkibai E., Fedotova A.

3rd place - Fitsenko A., Kusainova N.

On May 15, 2023, Astana International University signed a cooperation agreement with the Republican Veterinary Laboratory of the Committee for....
Mon, May 22, 2023, 11:48 AM

On May 15, 2023, Astana International University signed a cooperation agreement with the Republican Veterinary Laboratory of the Committee for Veterinary Control and Supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  The main activity of the enterprise is aimed at protecting the population from diseases common to animals and humans by conducting regular diagnostic studies and ensuring the epizootic well-being of the country for especially dangerous animal diseases. The company also conducts laboratory research and veterinary and sanitary examination, verification of measuring instruments and certification of test equipment, bacteriological studies of disinfection quality, disposal and destruction of biological waste. 

The subject of the agreement of the Parties is the development of cooperation in the field of education and science, namely, the organization of advanced training of employees and the organization of practices and internships of University students in the Laboratory. 

During the first meeting within the framework of cooperation, Deputy Director General of the Laboratory for Production Activities Aitaly Ermek Bolatuly and Dean of the Higher School of Natural Sciences Seitkan Ainur Seitkankyzy agreed to conduct an industrial practice of students of OP 6B05101 Biology on the basis of the laboratory.

We hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation!!