Kazakh language and literature

Code and group of the educational program:

В016 Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature

Code and name of the educational program:

6B01707 Kazakh language and literature

Education period: 4, 3 (На базе ТИПО)

Cost of education: 600000

Degree awarded: Bachelor of education in the educational program «6В01707 - Kazakh language and literature».

Training of highly qualified specialists in the Kazakh language and literature with communicative, intellectual, high civic responsibility, capable of creatively solving socially significant tasks in teaching activities at a modern scientific and practical level.

Distance learning technologies

Fundamentals of linguistic analysis of a literary text 

Education: a global vision


Emotional intelligence


Fundamentals of literary analysis of a literary text

Syntax of a simple sentence in the modern Kazakh language

Kazakh literature of the period of independence

Stylistics and linguistic culture of the modern Kazakh language

Management in education

Project management

Modern literary process and innovative tradition

The syntax of a compound sentence in the modern Kazakh language

Teacher of Kazakh language and literature, teacher, researcher, editor, proofreader, literary consultant, clerk, translator.

Каталог дисциплин