
Seminar in the library
Sat, Feb 4, 2023, 5:50 AM

February 7 this year 4th year students studying in the educational program 6B02101 – Design, held a seminar on the academic discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research” in the AMU library. This was not the first seminar at the library. At the beginning of the academic year, 5th year design students began work on their diploma projects by also studying modern search capabilities.

The head of the library, Gulnara Rakhimtaevna Begimova, introduced students to open information resources that provide textbooks, monographs, dissertations and articles from scientific journals in digital format. Platforms of the National Electronic Library of Kazakhstan and the World Digital Library, information portals Bibliorossika, Open Educational Resources, Science Open, Unpaywall,, Eastern Michigan University Browse Research and Scholarship, Cyberleninka, academic resources of the journals “Science”, “Nature”, Abhinav Commerce And Management Arts And Education Science And Technology and many others - this is open access for our students to millions of scientific publications from thousands of scientific journals, books, research projects.

Students need knowledge and ability to use various databases for successful research and project activities. Gulnara Rakhimtaevna’s information about where and what scientific materials can be studied remotely was extremely useful to our students.

Associate Professor at VSID Povalyashko G. N.

Science Day at the Higher School of Art and Design
Wed, Jan 25, 2023, 6:11 AM

Science Day is celebrated annually in our country on April 12. On this day, various events are held in all universities in order to emphasize the important civilizational role of scientific research, which ensures the dynamics of the entire society. The Graduate School of Art and Design has several exciting events planned for our creative students.

On April 11, 2022, students and teachers of the Higher School of Design and Art took part in two art trainings.

The first art training was held in collaboration with the capital’s Tse art destination gallery. Here our students got acquainted with the most interesting project of the Italian artist and designer Alessandro Sciaraffa, organized with the support of the Italian Embassy in Nur-Sultan.

In the exhibition space we had a meeting with the art director of the gallery, designer, master of art history Baurzhan Sagiev. He spoke about the new direction in art and design, Art and Science, and Alessandro Sciaraffa, whose installation became the object of our study and admiration.

The work of the Italian artist-researcher is focused on the study of natural phenomena, which he analyzes and aesthetically visualizes using experimental digital technologies. The Symphony project is a synthesis of the colors, sounds and energy of the Northern Lights, connected to the creativity of the audience. It is the dialogue of the audience with the vibrations of a specially designed installation that nourishes the life of this amazing object, each time visualizing it differently and “talking” to the audience with special timbre sounds. The main thing is that the installation clearly demonstrates the possibilities of contemporary art, combined with the scientific search of the artist.

The second art training was organized and conducted by teachers of the Higher School within the walls of the university museum of applied art. The moderators of the art training were professor, chairman of the Eurasian Union of Designers E. S. Asylkhanov and art critic, candidate of philosophical sciences G. N. Povalyashko.

The artifacts that make up the museum collection have enormous historical and cultural value and give an idea of the various periods in the evolution of the art of the Kazakh people and neighboring countries. Ermek Sabyrovich told students about ethno-design as a modern and promising direction of professional activity, Galina Nikolaevna emphasized the importance of a research approach in artistic design activities and career growth.

Another event of the next day was the podcast “Art and Us. We and science” by the dean of the Higher School of Art and Design, Ybyryi Sayat Baymuratovich. "Only forward!" - the main message of our dean addressed to students and undergraduates.

In the coming days, our students will take part in several more events as part of Science Day at AIU.