Mon, Dec 26, 2022, 5:27 AM

From November 14 to December 10, 2022, undergraduates of the Higher School of Economics of Astana International University completed a foreign scientific internship at the Department of Organization and Management of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Belarusian State University of Economics.

Lectures and seminars were conducted by the Doctor of Economics, Professor Byalyatsky N.P., as well as the Master of Economics Moroz V.V. The volume of the educational program of trainees amounted to 120 academic hours, theoretical and practical aspects of management, state and local government, business leadership development, negotiation were considered. As part of the open access to the closed resources of the BSEU Electronic Library during the internship, undergraduates collected materials for use in the preparation of master's projects. The database of scientific publications of the university has been studied. The final certification was carried out at the BSEU in the form of undergraduates defending reports on the results of the internship.

The Higher School of Economics of Astana International University will continue to develop cooperation with the Department of Organization and Management of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Belarusian State University of Economics, expand cooperation on the organization of scientific internships, conferences, seminars and other forms of exchange of experience.