AIU Students Awarded the Prestigious "Best Student of the Year 2024" Medal

Mon, Dec 23, 2024, 9:54 AM

On December 18, 2024, students of the 6B01201, 6B01202 "Preschool Education and Training" academic programs, under the guidance of instructors Togzhan Begimbaiqyzy Begimbai and Meruert Konqalqyzy Konqal, achieved victory in the international scientific competition "Science Through the Eyes of Youth."

The competition winners are:

  • Merey Zhanabaeva, 3rd-year student (TVET),
  • Nazerkе Kaskirbayeva, 2nd-year student,
  • Zhanerke Nurmakhankyzy, 2nd-year student.

For their scientific achievements, the students were awarded the prestigious "Best Student of the Year 2024" medal.

The purpose of the competition is to recognize young scientists who have contributed to the development of science and to promote their achievements as examples for future generations.

The award ceremony was held in the conference hall of Astana, where participants received medals, diplomas, and commemorative statuettes.

We congratulate our students on their remarkable achievement and wish them continued success in science and professional endeavors!