On the eve of the celebration of Science Workers' Day in Kazakhstan on April 12, another meeting of scientists with schoolchildren was held at the Children's University of Astana International University

Tue, Apr 16, 2024, 10:59 AM

On the eve of the celebration of Science Workers' Day in Kazakhstan on April 12, another meeting of scientists with schoolchildren was held at the Children's University of Astana International University. In accordance with the work plan, the school held a research event on the theme “Journey to the World of Water”, designed to better acquaint 5th grade students with the importance of water in our lives and its impact on the environment. The purpose of the event is to promote interdisciplinary learning and practical application of knowledge acquired by students in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science. This event also aims to develop critical thinking, research skills and awareness of environmental responsibility among young people.

32 5th grade schoolchildren from school-gymnasium No. 78 in Astana worked in groups for 50 minutes, visiting 5 research stations, each of which was dedicated to a specific scientific discipline related to the study of water. At each station, students spent 10 minutes completing experiments and tasks under the guidance of scientists and students from the Pedagogical Institute. At the end of the event, participants shared their findings and suggestions for conserving water resources.

The date of this meeting of scientists with schoolchildren, April 11, 2024, was not chosen by chance. For the first time in history, the European network EUCUNET declared this day “International Children's University Day”.

We believe that this event will not only be a meaningful and educational experience for students, but will also help them develop a responsible attitude towards the use of natural resources.