Results of chess tournament of AIU chess - 2024

Mon, Mar 18, 2024, 12:44 PM

On March 02, 2024, the Pedagogical Institute of Astana International University, together with the KING Chess Academy, held a city chess tournament among students from schools in the city of Astana.

36 students from the following schools in Astana took part in the tournament: No. 2, No. 5, No. 32, No. 37 named after. Syrbai Maulenova, No. 54 named after. Akselev Seydimbek, No. 59 named after. Karim Mynbaeva, No. 71, No. 77, No. 91, No. 91 Bahrain school, No. 92 named after. Akzhan Al-Mashani, No. 95, Binom school named after A. Baitursynov, Binom school named after Kanysh Satbaev, Binom school named after. Y. Altynsarina, NIS Astana, BIL, Intellectual Generation School, Riviera International School, Zerdeli Internetional School, Riviera international school, Flagman school, No. 81 "Astana English School".

At the grand opening of the tournament, talented AIU students performed a concert program, and teachers also spoke about the university for the participating schoolchildren of the city. National arbiters were involved, judges of the KING Chess Academy - Ruslan Merey, Asylzhan Issina and Madi Ibragimov. The tournament consisted of 9 rounds in the Rapid format.

The winners were:

- 1st place diploma was held to a student of the Binom school named after A. Baitursynov - Zhumabekov Shakhmardan;

- 2nd place diploma- Binom school named after A. Baitursynov - Zhasan Miras;

- 3rd place diploma for student from No. 32 of the gymnasium school - Hansuar Askar.

- a student of school-lyceum No. 77, Sagyndyk Dana, received a diploma for first place among girls.

At the end of the tournament, the winners were awarded cash certificates from the MARWIN, and all participants were given letters of gratitude. 
