Дня карьеры Высшей школы естественных наук

пт, 3 мая 2024 г., 12:38

As part of Career Day, students of the Higher School of Natural Sciences majoring in “Recreational Geography and Tourism,” accompanied by curator Auezova Nurkuigan, visited the “ALZHIR” Museum and Memorial Complex. During the excursion, students had the opportunity to learn about the terrible events that took place in the camp and their historical context.

Undoubtedly, the formation of patriotism and morality among students is the main goal of such excursions. But for students studying tourism, museums are also of professional interest. Museums ensure the preservation and development of history and convey the ethno-cultural characteristics of the people. Cultural and historical tourism is one of the most popular and widespread types of tourism. Kazakhstan, having many historical, cultural and geographical monuments, has great potential for the successful development of cultural tourism!