Educational and methodical activity

Readable disciplines:

  • System programming
  • Application software of information systems
  • Machine learning and data mining
  • Engineering and computer graphics, etc.

 Educational\teaching aids:

1. Kaldarova M.J. Physics.Syzba zhane kesteler:  Didactic material (mechanics).– Almaty: "PrintS", 2005 – 60 p., 3.75 p.l. UDC 12., ISBN 9965-482-09-8 (co-authored).

2. Kaldarova M.J. The subject and content of theses. Study guide. – Almaty: Almaty Technological University, 2011 - 270 p., 16,875 p.l. 

3. Kaldarova M.J. System programming. Study guide. – Almaty: "Evero", 2022 – 132 p., 8,25 p.l., UDC 004 (075.8), ISBN 978-601-352-758-1"