Kazakhstan, Astana, Kabanbay batyr avenue, 8
Call center +7 (7172) 47-66-77
+7 (771) 929-02-30
WhatsApp +7 (705) 129-42-82
Канцелярия +7 (7172) 24-36-68
Virtual Consulting Center on the basis of the HSE is designed
to develop competencies in working with scientific information resources,
consulting on writing articles and other publications, taking into account the
disciplinary specifics of scientific research of young scientists in accordance
with modern international standards of science, provision of
scientific and methodological, consulting, expert and other types of services
for interested parties.
Center has a virtual Advisory Board. The Virtual Advisory Board includes leading HSE
professors and lecturers.
objectives of the Center are to provide consultation:
- selection of an
international peer-reviewed scientific journal for publication that has an
impact factor according to JCR or in the Scopus database (Scopus);
- checking the
indexing of the journal in the Web of Science and other databases;
-provision of scientific and methodological, consulting,
expert and other types of services for enterprises and organizations of various
forms of ownership and fields of activity, as well as for individuals;
performing scientific and marketing analysis, formulating topics for
commercially funded research and development, research projects focused on
breakthrough technologies;
-implementation of the practical part of master's theses
(projects), doctoral studies and the introduction of the obtained
scientific results into the practice of enterprises, organizations and
institutions of various forms of ownership and fields of activity;
- preparation
of expert opinions for the publication of completed scientific works, etc.
The contact person: Gulzhan Adilovna
Kadyrova, Ph.D., Associate Professor