Student scientific circle "World of Economics"


- assistance in improving the quality of professional training of young specialists, creating conditions for the formation of creative activity, independence of students in scientific work;

- identifying the most talented and gifted youth, promoting the disclosure of their potential and organizing further development;

- development and improvement of the quality of scientific research and development carried out by students;

- development of students' skills to critically analyze various scientific positions, normative and practical material, to draw independent scientific conclusions;

- creating conditions for self-realization of students in research work and the formation of a value attitude to search and research activities;

- increasing the research and creative activity of students.

Main goals:

- popularization of scientific knowledge among students;

- assistance in raising the level of scientific training of students;

- participation of students in HSE research work;

- timely informing students about planned scientific conferences, competitions, etc.;

- attracting students to participate in conferences, competitions, programs and projects implemented by the Committee of Science, Ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foundations, universities and other organizations;

- assistance to students in independent scientific research and organizational support for their scientific work;

- development of students' skills of public speaking and self-education, necessary for the defense of final qualifying works, as well as in subsequent professional activities;

- assistance in raising the level of scientific training and competence of students, contributing to an increase in readiness for social and professional mobility;

- establishing links and developing cooperation with student scientific communities of other educational organizations, exchange of experience and joint research.

Members of the Student Scientific Circle conduct scientific research, participate in scientific competitions and projects, in international conferences with reports, publish scientific articles in conference proceedings and journals.

Supervisor of the student scientific circle - associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics, Gulzhan Adilovna Kadyrova.