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Scientific activity of the Higher School of Economics
Scientific projects |
M. Kazhiken, Doctor of Economics,
Professor, scientific supervisor of the project |
Participation in the
implementation of research and development within the framework of the state
order: 1. Research project on the topic "Analytical review and conceptual
proposals for the formation of a comprehensive plan for the development of
the transport and logistics complex of Kazakhstan until 2030". The
project was carried out at the expense of targeted financing from the «KAZLOGISTICS»
Corporate Fund. M. Kazhiken (scientific supervisor), A. Nurseitov, A. Komekova. 2. Research and development project "Scientific substantiation of
strategic directions for reforming the social sphere and economy of the
Republic of Kazakhstan" The project was completed under the financing
agreement "Institute of World Economy and Politics" (agreement
dated May 27, 2019). M. Kazhiken (scientific supervisor). |
2020-2021 |
M. Kazhiken, Doctor of Economics,
Professor, scientific supervisor of the project |
Participation in the
implementation of research and development within the framework of the state
order: The research topic is "Improving the performance of industries and
Kazakhstan's position in relevant international rankings on public
well-being." The study was conducted as part of the execution of
contract No. 12-ГЗ dated January 30, 2020 for the fulfillment of the state
task "Services for scientific and methodological support of state policy
in the field of social development". Customer: NAO Kazakhstan Institute
of Social Development "Rukhani zhangyru". Ministry of Information
and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. M. Kazhiken (the only
performer) took part in the project. |
2023-2024 |
Okutaeva S.T., PhD, Associate Professor, scientific
supervisor of the project |
Implementation of state-funded research projects funded
by the state budget ГФ AP19676100 "Development and testing of
employment methods for socially vulnerable segments of the population".
Supervisor: Okutaeva S.T.- PhD, Associate Professor. Co-executors: Smagulova
Z.K., Baltabaev B.Zh., Askerov E.Kh., Metsik O.I., Kabdykesheva D.S. |
M. Kazhiken, Doctor of Economics,
Professor, scientific supervisor of the project |
2. The initiative topic of the research is "The model of adaptive
economics" (state registration number in the National Scientific
Research Center No. 0124РКИ0038 dated 09.01.2024) The Scientific School on Adaptive Economics The research topic was registered in the NC GNTE in
January 2024 for a period of 3 years. Co-executors: Smagulova Z.K., Lesbayeva
G.T., Aimurzina B.T., Baybasheva G.T., Usenbayev T.M., Kadyrova G.A.,
Abdildinova N.E., Nurzhanova G.I., Baltabaev B.Zh., Ussipbekov A.A.
2024-2025 |
Okutaeva S.T., PhD, Associate Professor, scientific
supervisor of the project.
1 Implementation of state-funded research projects
funded by the state budget ГФ AP19676100 "Development and testing of
employment methods for socially vulnerable segments of the population".
Supervisor: Okutaeva S.T.- PhD, Associate Professor. Co-executors: Smagulova
Z.K., Baibash G.K., Mukanova A.S. – 2nd year doctoral student. |
Berstembayeva R.K., Candidate of
Economics, Associate Professor |
Participation in the implementation of state-funded research projects
funded from the state budget. Berstembayeva R.K. is a member of the research group of
a scientific project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the
Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the scientific project AР19678553
on grant financing for scientific and/or scientific and technical projects
for 2023-2025 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic
of Kazakhstan "Tax instruments for leveling social inequality in the
Republic of Kazakhstan" |
M. Kazhiken, Doctor of Economics,
Professor, scientific supervisor of the project |
2. The initiative topic of the research is "The model of adaptive
economics" (state registration number in the National Scientific
Research Center No. 0124РКИ0038 dated 09.01.2024) The Scientific School on Adaptive Economics Co-executors: Smagulova Z.K., Lesbayeva G.T., Aimurzina B.T.,
Baybasheva G.T., Usenbayev T.M., Kadyrova G.A., Abdildinova N.E., Nurzhanova
G.I., Baltabaev B.Zh., Ussipbekov A.A. |