В031 Fashion, design
6B02104 Web design
Education period: 5
Cost of education: 720000
This educational program is aimed at creative work in Web-design, by using technology to create web-sites, vector animation, animation graphics, informational architecture and usability, Java Script - script editing language and modern web-site development technology
Computer grafics; Fundamentals of programming and algorithms; Basics of HTML and CSS; Web Application; Development with JavaScript; Mobile app development; Web Technologies; Computer graphics simulation; Interaction Design; Web Project Management; UX/UI design; Illustration and animation in web design; Information architecture and usability; Digital Advertising Design
- development of a creative concept, design and rendering of layouts for sites of various types (corporate sites, news sites, online stores, promo sites, etc.), design of individual elements: banners, sliders, etc., development of interface design ( including administrative), landings and pre-landings, adaptive sites and mobile versions, icons and graphic navigation elements, email newsletters and other promotional materials