International centers

The Center for International Studies has been operating on the basis of AIU since April 2023. The main subject of activity of the Center for International Studies is conducting priority fundamental, applied, exploratory and other scientific research in the field of social sciences and humanities.

The main goal of the Center for International Studies is to coordinate, conduct and popularize scientific work in the field of international relations.

The main tasks of the Center for International Studies:

- planning and organizing work in the main areas of international research at AIU in collaboration with domestic and foreign partners;

- conducting research and developing projects;

- attracting investments for the implementation of scientific projects;

- mutual exchange, training and internship of scientific staff;

- holding international conferences and seminars, meetings;

- individual and joint publications with foreign partners based on the results of research.

- creation of conditions for scientific and information support of research work and promotion of the Center’s activities;

- implementation of publishing activities and joint publishing projects with similar organizations in the country and abroad: scientific collections, monographs, journals, including those with a high impact factor.

- expansion and deepening of direct connections with other scientific and research centers, institutes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

- search, selection of international programs and projects for teaching staff, doctoral students, master's students (internships, conferences, scholarships, etc.);

- search for new contacts, development of cooperation with foreign partners;

- promotion of publications in international publications;

- organization and assistance in preparing applications for participation in grant funding competitions and international projects;

- participation in international and republican grant competitions for fundamental and applied research in the country and abroad;

- implementation of foreign internships, exchange of scientists and students, holding thematic exhibitions and meetings;

- concluding agreements on scientific relations with similar research institutions of the republic, as well as foreign countries;

The Center for International Research conducts scientific research independently and on the basis of cooperation with scientific institutions, organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership within the framework of research programs.


With the assistance of the Center for International Studies, an international conference “10 years of the Silk Road, high-quality joint construction of the BRI” was held on May 11, 2023, during which a memorandum of cooperation was signed between AIU and Tsinghua University. Within the framework of this document, universities will conduct joint research, academic exchange of teaching staff, students, scientific materials, publications and academic information. The parties also agreed to jointly study issues of personnel training for high-tech BRI projects implemented in Kazakhstan. 

On June 27, 2023, the Center for International Studies organized and held an expert meeting on the topic “Central Asia in the world political system.” The main guests were the head of the department of the Center for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, prof. Webster University in Tashkent M. Rakhimov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof. Department of International Relations and World Politics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Director of the Center for German Studies M.Sh. Gubaidulina.

The meeting participants discussed the importance of Central Asia in the world political system, the participation of the countries of the region in international and regional structures, integration associations, etc.

On September 23, 2023, Astana International University was visited the Director of the LEXFEIM Research Center, professor at Le Havre Normandy University (France) Pierre Chabal. During the meeting possible areas of interaction between the two universities were identified and issues of further cooperation were discussed. The meeting was attended by the President of Astana International University S.A. Irsaliev, Head of the International Relations Department S.S. Zhmaka, Director of the Center for International Studies S.M. Nurdavletova and others. Both sides paid attention to issues of cooperation within the framework of academic mobility of teaching staff and students, joint projects, publications, and organization of events. 

On November 16, 2023, the Center for International Studies organized and conducted a workshop with the participation of Kazim Woodbury, an expert from the United States in the field of improving society. The lecture was devoted to issues of sustainable education, integration of business strategies and economic development strategies. 

With the assistance of the Center for International Studies, on November 23-24, 2023, AIU was visited the Vice-President of the University of Le Havre Normandy (France), Mr. Jean-Noel Castorio. During the meeting, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the universities, within the framework of which the parties will develop interaction within the framework of academic mobility of teaching staff and students, issues on joint projects, publications, and organization of events were discussed. 

The Research Institute of the New Eurasian Land-Sea Intermodal Transport Corridor is a strategic cooperation center established on the basis of Astana International University. We cooperate with the Lianyungang City Government, Tsinghua University, SCO International Logistics Park, Jiangsu Province Oceanology University and Xiamen Digital Economy Center. Our mission is to proactively promote the sustainable development of ROK's economy and human capital. Our vision is to create a platform for research, exchange of views and experiences, learning and creation of growth opportunities. We support academic, economic and cultural-humanitarian cooperation with Central Asian countries, PRC, USA, EU and Caucasus countries through the organization of scientific and applied research, training and support of commercial projects.

Areas of activity:

Analytical support

- Transportation and logistics

- Digital Economy

- International relations

Promotion of cooperation

- Academic

- Economic

- Cultural and Humanitarian


- Partner search

- Organization of trainings and events

- Project support


- From April to August 2022, experts from Kazakhstan and China conducted joint studies on the development of transport and logistics cooperation between the two countries.

- September 19, 2022 Astana International University, public association "Center for Analysis and Strategy "Beles", together with the Research Institute of Strategy "One Belt, One Road" of Tsinghua University and the Government of Jiangsu Province held a scientific seminar on "Kazakhstan's participation in China's Belt and Road initiative and the joint construction of a new Eurasian continental economic corridor between Jiangsu Province and Kazakhstan". It was noted that for 30 years of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and China trade turnover has increased 70 times. However, the corresponding 70-fold increase in expert and analytical support of dynamically developing economic ties has not been achieved. In order to fill this gap, Kazakh and Chinese researchers agreed to work on the creation of a joint analytical center to monitor and analyze the implementation of new initiatives to create a Eurasian continental bridge (economic corridor).?????

- On April 3, 2023, a Chinese delegation led by Yang Xinzhong, Executive Deputy Mayor of Lianyungang, visited Astana International University. Nurlan Bayuzakovich Yermekbayev, Deputy Secretary General of the SCO Yermekbayev also took part in the meeting as a guest of honor. During the meeting, specific agreements were reached on areas of joint activities.?????

- On May 11, 2023 the international conference "10 years of the Silk Road, quality joint construction of Belt and Road" was held.  At this event the President of Astana International University Irsaliyev Serik Aztayevich and the President of Tsinghua University Wang Xiqin signed a memorandum of cooperation. Within the framework of which the universities will conduct joint research, academic exchange of faculty, students, scientific materials, publications and academic information. The parties also agreed to jointly work out the issues of personnel training for high-tech BRI projects implemented in Kazakhstan. The conference discussed scenarios of applying the effects of BRI in the digital economy, alternative energy, health care, and multilateral mechanisms to support BRI: CICA, SCO, Eurasian Economic Union.???????

- The China-SCO 2023 International Logistics Roundtable on "Strengthening SCO cooperation and building a new land and sea intermodal transport corridor between Asia and Europe" was held in Lianyungang from August 17 to 18. The delegation from Kazakhstan was headed by Dr. Meiram Zekeshevich Kazhyken, Professor of the Higher School of Economics at Asatan International University, candidate for the presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2022 elections.?????


- On September 15, 2023, the Research Institute was officially launched at the China-Europe International Railway Forum.?????


- On September 22, 2023 at the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the OSOP initiative, a branch of the Research Institute was officially opened on the basis of the International University of Astana.?????