Astana International University (AIU) hosted an official delegation from Karabuk University (KU), Turkey.

Thu, Dec 22, 2022, 7:58 AM

This week, Astana International University (AIU) hosted an official delegation from Karabuk University (KU), Turkey.

Located in a driving distance from Istanbul, Ankara and the Black Sea, KU has attracted the attention and interest of more than 400 of Kazakhstanians who are currently studying at this university.

The key moment of the visit was the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between AIU and KU, which, among other things, includes provisions for the implementation of academic exchange of students and teachers, conferences, joint research, etc.

The Rector of KU University - Professor Refik Polat held a interesting and informative lecture for AIU students on our campus at EXPO, talking about the path of formation and development of KU.

KU was in the TOP 801 - 1000 of the TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION (THE) world rankings as of 2021. Also included in the TOP 10 best universities in Turkey.

More than 250 KU academic programs offered to more than 50 thousand students, incl. more than 12 thousand foreign. The teaching staff consists of more than 1100 employees.